Using that as a selection of nationally prominent Republicans, of candidates casting themselves as avowed Christians, I would value Gianforte well above Ted Cruz and close, in sincerity, to Ben Carson.
Of those touting business acumen, Gianforte is head-and-shoulders above Carly Fiorina. She ran HP into the ground, he put a startup into the Oracle stable, improving Oracle's product range and fiscal health.
In comparison to secularist candidates in that GOP grouping, Gianforte is ahead of Chris Christie, Bridgegate showing a mean streak, and ahead of Scott Walker, so far, since Walker has a track record in politics and Gianforte has not yet done damage from any elective office.
On subjective feelings in considering politicians, to me Gianforte ranks ahead of Marco Rubio, Jeb, and Mike Pence [not pictured]. In having written anything negative about Gianforte, bear those facts in mind. Still, again subjectively, the rankings I have stated on the three candidates remains, were I a voting Montanan: Quist most favorable, Wicks next, Gianforte third of three. This post is intended to mean that the argument really is not Gianforte is undeserving, but that others are more deserving; more promising. And as I have stated, Minnesota has sent less deserving people to Congress.
Put it this way: In terms of apparent character and being able to relate to ordinary people, and suitable intelligence, none in that picture could fill Quist's cowboy hat. Trump included, though not especially so.
Quist, in my mind, over the pack of them in that image, individual by individual in comparison. Quist is a fine candidate. One of the better I have seen and would be an excellent person to send to Congress. To whatever extent Quist will make waves or rock boats once reaching DC, that would be in his favor and not a detriment. Quist being a unique person with a unique background in seeking political office is a positive, such uniqueness being an endearing charm, and he appears wholly free of rancor, unlike, say, Ted Cruz. He is not an angry person, rather one with ideals. Nor does Quist seem at all too mellow for the job of standing up for his State when needed.
While mentioned in earlier posting, Senator Al Franken is who Rob Quist might best be compared to. Both are Democrats. Both are, within that party mix, more progressive than other conservative Democrats such as Minnesota's [
With Peterson being of the same party, and having Cargill in his home state, Montana Ag. needs would be served by having a Rep. who could bond and be close to Peterson on several levels, love of music being one, talent in that direction being another.
Back to Franken, as Quist, he was for most of his life before first entering politics, an entertainer. While more a TV writer and preformer than Quist, both have been leavened by entertainment as a profession; and as a touring musician Quist if anything has met and entertained a greater range of people - a greater spectrum of the nations "flyover" folks than Franken. But they both are grounded in sensitivity to what people expect and how to meet expectations, day-in, day-out. Each is different from Gianforte, and from the bulk of colleagues in DC, where either lawyers or business people predominate. Gianforte's main experience is in providing a niche product to other businessmen, not to a broader public, and his experience is comparably limited.
So would Quist readily fit in? Surely with Franken and with Peterson, and that would be a sound starting basis. They have common backgrounds that would fit in with one another, and Minnesota is closer to Montana in economic dependencies of its people than say east coast or west coast. Agriculture being a bond, as well as entertainment experiences and music.
In short, if any Montanans would hesitate to support Quist over a businessman who claims himself better able to get things done, Collin Peterson in the House has blessing of Cargill, and Franken is similar in outlook and background to Quist.
While Gianforte only indirectly makes the argument he is more mainstream, Quist may well be the candidate better positioned to make lasting and deeper ties in DC with able and senior people who share interests while representing another state keyed into the needs of predominantly resource producing economies; rather than being tight to service oriented regions such as Silicon Valley or Wall Street.
Montana voters should bear that in mind.
____________FURHTER UPDATE____________
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Rep. Collin Peterson, D., Minnesota. Former House Ag. Committee chair, currently ranking minority member. |
___________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Tune time. The Second Amendments play Farm Aid. Peterson must have seniority over other band members; he gets lead vocals. They have no banjo, no pedal steel, no harmony vocal. No hats. Just saying.
Hat tip for the link to Sally Jo Sorensen, Bluestem Prairie, this link.
Here. Muffled-up sound, at the Ag Committee, Rob has expertise that could help better things. At the Ag Committee. Besides musically. On gaining passage of the House Agriculture Five Year Farm Bill, expertise and experience will be valuable beyond one more voice for it on a floor vote from, let's say, a software engineer. Just saying.