Two web searches to keep bookmarked through the week; each Google news, clearly overlapping:
search = montana
search = montana election quist gianforte
Perhaps a third, or some combo - with this one being a Bing News search, not Google:
search = montana money trump
With the notion there in that last suggestion that beltway pundits want it "a referendum on Trump" which is simplification, beltway bias, and thought channeling that is not fully merited. Also, a referendum on spending in a Congressional seat election wholly out of line with what 2018 with more seats in play might show.
Perhaps the best idea might be simply
search = montana
because it is unbiased toward the election and candidates, just, what's news to the TWO search engines, Google News, or Bing News, leading up to Thursday.
What are the pundits saying, how intensely nationally is the Montana race in focus, and what might it lead one to expect; vs Friday, May 26, when the result is in?
Then, will the pundits be phrasing the result as related to Georgia CD6, or will the pundits ignore any such implication and solely be in apology mode, or told-you-so mode?
Apart from Montana, other flyover land, Strib local content re-headlined for the season: "Guide to Minnesota's 13 national wildlife refuges -- Minnesota is home to 13 national wildlife refuges, each with a distinct set of attractions for hunters, anglers, birders and wildlife-watchers. - By Doug Smith Star Tribune - September 25, 2014 — 5:27pm;" source of this image as proof a redwing blackbird will perch on anything to declare and overview territory in breeding season.
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Go to the Strib item to enlarge the image full size. |
This year male redwings have shown up, but the females migrate later, and I have yet to see them this year in Anoka County.
Public lands matter in the midwest too; but with the issue not as intense as in the west; no Cliven Bundy business happening here, no threat of private expropriation and/or exploitation. No politicians suing the State to limit recreational access of the citizenry via contesting established easements. Minnesota Nice instead.
_____________FURTHER UPDATE______________
Bonus video: Bernie taking time at MSU to talk outside to the overflow crowd of young people - the future of the Democratic Party if the party has a future.
____________FURTHER UPDATE_______________
The Observer, this link with part of the headlining:
‘If you do it here in Montana, we can do it in every state’
That last paragraph was plain awful, so try again:
Beltway Republicans and their donors and lobbyists for the Trump/Ryan status quo are putting exceptional amounts of money into their effort to defeat Rob Quist. They know the truth of that sub-headline. They oppose progress and they know: Progress needs Quist.
Better. The message IS that progress needs Quist, and it shows better in the re-write.