Friday, February 07, 2025

Can you say, "Double Standard," and recognize one when you see one?


Speech is protected. However, in being a headunter chasing "waste" where there is elasticity to things such as defining "waste" people should be discrete, and if not, why not, and how are they reliable to have such direct impact on people's jobs and hence whole family livelihoods, and think in ways embracing ideas that seem contrary to open-minded decency and fairness.

JD is kind of right, "ruining the young man's career" would be wrong. But these are Elon people whose careers are in Elon's for-profit adverturing, and they will go back there and not be public empployees on any long term basis. Elon picked them before he got DOGE powers, and they will be comfortable as Elon people after the dust has settled. In truth, this is not impacting their careers as much as a trumped up DUI caxe, planted drugs and all, by a bad cop or seversal. These guys are elite private sector honchos.

End of stroy. JD dragged a red herring across the pathway, and is bright enough to know exactly what he did with sophistry.

Family lives are being impacted by the head hunting, and bullshitting only makes it worse.

JD knows better.