Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A capton is a caption, an image is a captured event in time which Senators or others can critique, under the U.S. of A. Constitution's First Amendment.

Tina Smith called him a "dick."

 Tina Smith is the junior Democratic Party Senator from Minnesota.

Sen. Smith has many that agree with her assessment. 

Who'd disagree? Crabgrass cannot guess beyond Trump, Elon himself, and those in the private sector who work for one of Elon's adventures. 

Crabgrass, not otherwise constrained, agrees with Sen. Smith.

UPDATE: Any bets on whether that chainsaw had gas in it so it could be waved around running? Would you trust Elon with a running chainsaw in hand to not make a fuck-up loss of limb for someone else, perhaps even himself? Elon needs to grow up. Cancelling jobs is not a game or cause for chicken-shit display. It is serious hurt for those being sacked, with abundant arbitrariness except at DOD, where Hegseth is firing in accord with his prejudices, and not at all as arbitrary. Note his prejudices, note who's severed, and what a surprise? No surprise at all. Women, black generals, JAG corps career lawyers who'd be a check against Hegseth's prejudices are notable service-member cancellations without even pseudo explanation offered.

Also targeted government-wide, probationary employees, since those would be Biden appointees/hirings, and presumably enough, Democrats, so jettison them all because the point is to fire Democrats, then hire back Repubicans. It is to replace, not to downsize, although some ancillary downsizing may also happen. It is the spoils going to the victor, something civil service law was intended to limit, but that like other history is MAGA constrained. You elected. You deserve it.


A bonus --- Elon's Week (five or more bullet points)

1. dancing onto stage with Chainsaw at CPAC

2. Conversation/interview with softball questions at CPAC after setting down chainsaw

3, Posting on X (formerly know as Twitter before I bought and simplified naming)
(that's at least a dozen things, three dozen, so already I can email back)

4.  on-going discussing of past week bullet-point email with Trump, (loved it, said it was his idea)

5. Sending list-task bullet-points email

6. Preparing DOGE junior braintrust to convert: email returns >> database >> AI prompt engineering aimed at extracting causes to fire vs. keep

7. Sought counseling in anticipation of being call a "dick" by one or more senators
8, Responded on X (previously Twitter) saying, "Senator - justify your week"

9. conversation with Trump about being called a dick (he thought it was his idea)

10. Joint Presser with Trump, no dog, no pony, manchild gripped on mock totem pole styling - manchild too young to be traumatized, not playing as normal but well behaved while being carried like a prop

11. indirectly suggesting in my email that federal employees do not own their own weekends but can be tasked on Friday "due by Monday"

12, ditto (multiple each-separate email, multiple agencies, really each a separate task but I'll count it only once)

13, Being tolerant of diversity among my young DOGE braintrust (all white males - BUT w. one of Indian-subcontinent ethnicity from Berkeley. good coder)

14. Kept up with South African mis-government - ongoing, ever since Apartheid ended

15, Checking agency parking lots for gas only or non-Tesla parking at charging stations

Busy week, all that in one week, three times what I'm asking of probationary punks! If you don't have that drive, remember, I AM THE ELON OF THE UNITED STATES and we keep three best and fire the rest.

And that is really how Elon reported his own week's bullet points. Truly. You doubt, go ahead and ask him what he put in his email sent back to himself. 

He'll tell you.

UPDATE: In the course of writing of 21 resigning federal tech experts who refuse to be a part of killing vital federal services, AP noted in passing that Musk, at CPAC, was " hoisted a blinged-out, Chinese-made chainsaw above his head" and I cannot second source that the America First theme featured a Chinese product, but if that piss ant waves a saw from China I want to be able to buy an electric car from China, because their technology seems to have a cachet. 

Actually, any electric auto but a Tesla will do. Tesla is a part of a mad jackass's empire, which I do not like. The empire I will dislike because I have come to dislike the jackass, and one is the other. Senator Smith called him a dick. I call him a piss ant. Whether than arguing which is more spot on, let's agree, we both are correct.

NOW. Do read that entire AP article. It claims besides 21 engineers being appalled, they note by letter that some of Musk's people can't find their ass with both hands, although the AP item phrased it differently, and the group resignation letter might also have used more standard language. But if it is true, and sensitive systems are being put at mercy of a less than prime time crew, hell will pay, or might.

Would you change your job to work in any capacity for Elon Musk? Even at a pay raise? Or do you instead have fears and/or integrity?

Parting thought, BOYCOTT TESLA. There are options. Elon seems wigged out, and the brand just might have been allowed to fall below a current industry quality norm.