And at least Mitch is acting as if he is immune from career uber alles.
In that bottom 170 million, hunger exists. Paycheck to paycheck looks carefully at escalating grocery prices. Elon prancing means count the days before Trump realizes he's in the driver's seat while Elon sets the navigation system route.
When that happens, who knows what comes after? Humpty Dumpty, or just more of the same and then some?
Have they set up on the Internet yet a countdown clock for the end of Trump's second term, as they did for warmonger Bush?
Somebody should.
Bernie tries. Bernie is a mensch. The good people hear and agree with Bernie.
A Beshear - Casar ticket might defeat a Vance - Rubio ticket, but let's keep today in focus, not tomorrow. (That Beshear - Cosar is today's Crabgrass good guess at what could win, not at what the Dem Inner Party will churn out. While saying that, Crabgrass likes more a Casar - Beshear option.) Dream on, expect dreck. Schumer and Jeffries are not infected with a giving nature. Nor insight to fight. They have donors who matter more than you. Each has his own career priorities. Power and a paycheck matter.