Or more? Or less? Or wait and see? This link.
UPDATE: Yes, if MnSURE is folded into the federal program, job cuts might happen. More jobs, Dayton, here and here. More Dayton, the Wilfare thing, here.
Monday, June 29, 2015
What about moving one of the two heads having a troublesome discussion at Zygiland?
This link. If you are looking to park a politician, isn't MNsure fine as a parking lot? Dayton has chums. Probably more than before up North after his handling of his positions, as stated and/or as they actually were, in end of session games. Park a Ranger at MNsure? Ensure lean successful management?
Someone from the IRRRRRRRRRRB board? RRRRukavina? (The more R's the merrier)
UPDATE: Dayton called DC a cesspool and then he does not recognize end of session/extra session for what it was and his role in making it so? Self-awareness is helpful in politicians, when it is ever found. He, Daudt and Bakk cut deals each found satisfactory and no story other than that floats.
FURTHER UPDATE: Good luck to folks on this hummer. It is an opportunity for Dayton, one he may view as a vexation.
Someone from the IRRRRRRRRRRB board? RRRRukavina? (The more R's the merrier)
UPDATE: Dayton called DC a cesspool and then he does not recognize end of session/extra session for what it was and his role in making it so? Self-awareness is helpful in politicians, when it is ever found. He, Daudt and Bakk cut deals each found satisfactory and no story other than that floats.
FURTHER UPDATE: Good luck to folks on this hummer. It is an opportunity for Dayton, one he may view as a vexation.
One "have to read it online" item. One question, about those corporate persons loved by a part of the Supreme Court to the point they can be as political as human persons.
Must read, here and it speaks for itself.
Question, marriage between a man or woman and a corporation, is that forestalled by divine script? Or worse, two corporations? Given the equal-to-humans personhood of those blessed corporations in the eyes of Roberts and cronies; how might they face such questions with unwavering wit and logic?
Also, wouldn't it be great if Scalia did put a bag over his head? Like the Detroit fans during Millen's tenure as Lions boss. You can imagine the embarrassment of one arguing a case before the Court, "I'm sorry Justice Scalia, I may have misheard you question, could you take the bag off and repeat?" He wouldn't even have to show up for work. With the bag he could just send a clerk to sit in his place, and if Thomas were to adopt a bag too, the both could sneak out sending clerks, and go find a sunny park and play cribbage.
Question, marriage between a man or woman and a corporation, is that forestalled by divine script? Or worse, two corporations? Given the equal-to-humans personhood of those blessed corporations in the eyes of Roberts and cronies; how might they face such questions with unwavering wit and logic?
Also, wouldn't it be great if Scalia did put a bag over his head? Like the Detroit fans during Millen's tenure as Lions boss. You can imagine the embarrassment of one arguing a case before the Court, "I'm sorry Justice Scalia, I may have misheard you question, could you take the bag off and repeat?" He wouldn't even have to show up for work. With the bag he could just send a clerk to sit in his place, and if Thomas were to adopt a bag too, the both could sneak out sending clerks, and go find a sunny park and play cribbage.
My eyes, my church, look where I tell you to?
Timmer vs. Kersten; Timmer here, Kersten here.
My question, I read the Timmer piece and could not care to take much time with the Kersten diatribe. So I did a surrogate to reading - word search.
In her lengthy op-ed Kersten argues the Church has had wisdom over the ages. I did a word scan of her item for "encyclical" and the word is missing. As if Francis never wrote it while Kersten appears to believe in infallibility.
There was even a rally. Kersten missed it. Avoided it is the more likely explanation, looking in from outside the murky confines between those two ears.
Well, the encyclical was longer than the Kersten op-ed, and cutting her slack, the lengthier presentations of ideas beyond her own might have little resonance, subliminally, and not as a matter of willing choice to avoid.
So, can we look forward to Kersten on the Father of Fathers thoughts of stewardship of our earth? Or is she simply more impassioned over child abuse, too much so, to have read the encyclical?
WWFP - What would Francis perfer?
Seizing upon a single paragraph from the Kersten item among those that Timmer quotes:
So help me in my confusion, does this mean the Francis encyclical reaches beyond "today’s fashionable catechism of political correctness, which holds that truth is relative and that freedom means living as we please and making up rules that are 'true for us.'"? Or is the Kersten blind-eye to the encyclical just her "rule," "true for her?" Surely consistency of thought would not, after that quote, characterize Francis as "elite opinionmaker" of the kind she disparges. Perhaps poisoning the earth and threatening the continuation of all life upon it is no "culture war" issue to the gentlelady? Who knows? Between those ears ... mystery.
My question, I read the Timmer piece and could not care to take much time with the Kersten diatribe. So I did a surrogate to reading - word search.
In her lengthy op-ed Kersten argues the Church has had wisdom over the ages. I did a word scan of her item for "encyclical" and the word is missing. As if Francis never wrote it while Kersten appears to believe in infallibility.
There was even a rally. Kersten missed it. Avoided it is the more likely explanation, looking in from outside the murky confines between those two ears.
Well, the encyclical was longer than the Kersten op-ed, and cutting her slack, the lengthier presentations of ideas beyond her own might have little resonance, subliminally, and not as a matter of willing choice to avoid.
So, can we look forward to Kersten on the Father of Fathers thoughts of stewardship of our earth? Or is she simply more impassioned over child abuse, too much so, to have read the encyclical?
WWFP - What would Francis perfer?
Seizing upon a single paragraph from the Kersten item among those that Timmer quotes:
But there’s a deeper, ideological reason for the lopsided media focus on the Catholic Church. The church disagrees strongly with elite opinionmakers — our new priestly class — on the social/sexual issues at ground zero in the culture wars, including abortion, contraception, premarital chastity and same-sex marriage. It is one of the last and strongest institutions to oppose today’s fashionable catechism of political correctness, which holds that truth is relative and that freedom means living as we please and making up rules that are “true for us.”
So help me in my confusion, does this mean the Francis encyclical reaches beyond "today’s fashionable catechism of political correctness, which holds that truth is relative and that freedom means living as we please and making up rules that are 'true for us.'"? Or is the Kersten blind-eye to the encyclical just her "rule," "true for her?" Surely consistency of thought would not, after that quote, characterize Francis as "elite opinionmaker" of the kind she disparges. Perhaps poisoning the earth and threatening the continuation of all life upon it is no "culture war" issue to the gentlelady? Who knows? Between those ears ... mystery.
Pledge inflation.
With socialist roots and all.
Wikipedia presents an interesting sidebar of evolution over time, always added to, never subtracted from.
Are you like Rand Paul and supporters, and others, still awaiting that "... liberty and justice for all?"
What that ending means is likely more subjective to each individual than objective. I envision "tax the rich" as a part of the "justice for all" and I am still waiting. And with the costs of litigation being as they are, Justice being blind misses the finger of the rich on one pan of the balance. For all, to my mind, does not really mean more for some than others, yet show me a rich homeless man, woman, or child, please.
As an afterthought, the recent Supremes' narrow-margin decision on gay marriage is a step toward justice, (equal civil rights), "for all."
Single Payer?
Now that would be a far larger step for everyone, with unquestioned access to healthcare as a right, "for all."
Still waiting?
It will happen. Intimidation of the poor will ultimately fall into disfavor, as humankind evolves and betters itself from what it still is, to what it can become.
Wikipedia presents an interesting sidebar of evolution over time, always added to, never subtracted from.
Are you like Rand Paul and supporters, and others, still awaiting that "... liberty and justice for all?"
What that ending means is likely more subjective to each individual than objective. I envision "tax the rich" as a part of the "justice for all" and I am still waiting. And with the costs of litigation being as they are, Justice being blind misses the finger of the rich on one pan of the balance. For all, to my mind, does not really mean more for some than others, yet show me a rich homeless man, woman, or child, please.
As an afterthought, the recent Supremes' narrow-margin decision on gay marriage is a step toward justice, (equal civil rights), "for all."
Single Payer?
Now that would be a far larger step for everyone, with unquestioned access to healthcare as a right, "for all."
Still waiting?
It will happen. Intimidation of the poor will ultimately fall into disfavor, as humankind evolves and betters itself from what it still is, to what it can become.
A retrospective. The axe thrower a/k/a "PACman" a few years back, scmoozing with what sort of people?
Is one screen capture worth a thousand words?
With that in the resume, Hegseth is now - surprisingly - on the payroll at FOX.
Merit pay?
In any event - Others may "throw their hat in the ring" while if Hegseth ever seeks office, an axe, not a hat?
With that in the resume, Hegseth is now - surprisingly - on the payroll at FOX.
Merit pay?
In any event - Others may "throw their hat in the ring" while if Hegseth ever seeks office, an axe, not a hat?
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Copperheads and the biff: The worry, not as sometimes, too many copperheads around the outhouse. Instead, it's, well, the smell. And while homelessness happens in metro there's nonetheless a better funding priority for a prime-elegant biff. In Nowhere. But Nowhere on the Range. [UPDATED]
source: Copperhead Snake control |
Web reporting is that "2015 ‘worst year’ for copperhead snakes" -- in some areas. So, does the legislative hill in St. Paul have a copperhead problem? The snakes usually are more rural. Usually somewhat more southern.
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click to enlarge and read |
So, with all the copperheads showing up these days in Range areas, realize please, a $300,000 biff-in-Nowhere can hardly be questioned.
After all, Nowhere in this case is a part of the Range, hence, it is really worth Minnesota public-money funding by our esteemed legislature, to build the big brick biff. Really. Despite, whatever Strib reporting might imply.
Just quell the copperheads. Do not let the copperheads seize control of the process, because even when chopped up with an axe [hello, Hegseth] the head "could still bite you." (That's Loretta's recollection of a warning from her dad during childhood.)
Now, a modern day communication tower addon, in Nowhere II, but on the Range, dry as it is with antennas only, is that of interest to copperheads? Some may suggest so. The bottom line just seems, you have to quell the copperheads, or suffer consequences.
UPDATE: Can a duck search tell you much at all about copperheads?
FURTHER UPDATE: Coverage of the loo, too, at Bluestem Prairie, noting the Timberjay appears to have first focused publishing upon the unusual level of spending where legislative time-off-from-the-job relaxation and hosting happens, up North.
The brashness of self-service among those people can astound.
And, by the way, our Anoka County Connexus rate payments, money from households for power to the people, seems to have trickled a bit to an unsavory end, via Great River Energy spending for a share of "representation" among Copperheads.
And there is a curious differing between the list Strib published days ago, and current Cerkvenik clients the Campaign Finance Board lists for the gentleman's lobbying; with CenturyLink and Great River, e.g., omitted from the Glen Taylor's Strib listing - as if the man, Cerkvenik, only operates home, on the Range.
It appears others buy into his servicing. People like that can be thought of as cancers on the body politic, should that be one's view of lobbyists. And one wonders whether CenturyLink might do well for itself if being the telco actually following up by putting up the Minnesota Senator David Tomassoni Memorial Twenty-first Century Rural Communication Upgrade Link, in Nowhere, on the Range.
Per that Bluestem Prairie earlier report Sorensen likens the special earmarking to the metro-area Chaudhary situation, where there was not a wink and a nod and moving on; Sorensen noting,
We were reminded of an earlier controversy over a legislative provision related to a former senator's lake property. In 2010, then Senator Satveer Chaudhary, a DFLer, got into a bit of a pickle over a provision that didn't even make it into statute.
(Check the Sorensen report for a quote from the Wikipedia page about the years-ago Chaudhary dust-up) There is much to suggest a conscious parallelism between that earlier situation, and the disapprobation it drew, and the Tomassoni situation which has not so far drawn widespread disapprobation; it rather being accorded "business as usual on the Range" attention.
Contrast that to the whining from Daudt and others about metro area favoritism among legislators. It's time to lift the Iron Range rock and examine the scurrying vermin; or is that step long overdue but finally, hopefully, brought to a head in reaction to recent end of session DFL northern grounded copperhead hijinks?
FURTHER UPDATE: Do check out that duck search link given earlier, and read a little among the search return list. It may prove informative in introducing a gentleman many may otherwise not have known of, in terms of his reach and grasp - and audacity.
FURTHER UPDATE: While the main thread somewhat parallel to this one is carried by Aaron Brown's work, a suitable preface for reading Brown is a Timmer post, here (with links specifically to Brown's work as well as other things). Rather than link directly to Brown posting, by only giving the preface link I am trying to channel reader attention.
Hegseth hosting Rubio in New Hampshire, on VA and veterans issues, before Hegseth's organization.
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Card players might know: "Man with the Axe" |
Also a question for readers, would Bernie Sanders, (Senator from a New Hampshire neighboring state), be a welcome speaker before the group? Sanders surely should be welcome. He's on the Committee.
So that no veteran may vote uninformed, or ill-informed by name callers intent to mislead, Sanders' record on veteran issues; e.g., here, here and here. He does not merely talk the talk. Or if you choose, rely on Republican political operative Peter Hegseth to tell you, "Vote GOP." And be ready to dodge and duck if you see he is carrying an axe.
___________FURTHER UPDATE____________
With the Hegseth/Rubio stint in New Hampshire adding to news of Hegseth's current activities outside of Minnesota, a "where are they now" question arises, first, Wikipedia reports:
Cravaack is the father of two boys and does not do any lobbying in Washington, D.C. He now teaches Social Studies at Bishop Guertin High School, a Catholic College Preparatory School in Nashua, New Hampshire.
As another veteran, in New Hampshire, Cravaack might have been at the Hegseth/Rubio confab. One wonders if he remains politically active, while teaching.
On top of that, a "where are they now image," again from Wikipedia:
Saturday, June 27, 2015
"Plans for a way to tap copper, nickel and other precious metals in an environmentally sensitive area that runs close to the prized Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCA) have been a decade in the making. Environmentalists have resisted the project at every turn, while others have said the project could spark an economic renaissance in the job-starved Babbit-Hoyt Lakes area north of Duluth."
And besides plans, snakes abound in northern Minnesota mining zones; where if not willing to take my word for it ask a metro area DFL legislator of the progressive stripe.
This link, on Polymet's inexorable march to environmental risk/reward balancing where one snake on one pan tipped the balance. Not the only snake, yet the heaviest one.
The headline quote is from early in the item, whereas later:
Conservation watchdog groups and Minnesota Indian tribes have raised alarms about the project’s potential effects on the delicate ecosystem that stretches up to the BWCA. Aaron Klemz, spokesman for the Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness, said the group would comment on the report later this week.
PolyMet projects that the copper-nickel mine will create [a mere] 360 permanent local jobs, and hundreds more indirectly. The company estimates it will produce $80 million annually in federal, state and local taxes.
And of that
Who, among readers, would call a stinking handful of jobs - 350, half a job for each of the potential years the prokect on ending might pollute - an "economic renaissance?" Who besides a Range shill? And trust me, we do have shills, if nothing else, in a plethora.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Curiously, Chief Justice Roberts votes in the majority to support the status quo insurance-industry arrangements for provision of healthcare in our naion, and chooses himsef to author majority opinions. Opinions favoring healthcare insurance premium payments flowing to insurance firms.
He practiced privately for fourteen years besides being in government service:
Also, this link. Here and here. Here.
Here on Robert's majority opinion for the latest federal pro-insurance-industry opinion, subsidized premiums for insurers. Here and here on curiosities about the earlier pro-insurance-industry opinion, forced payment of insurance premiums under penalty of penalty, i.e., either play or pay.
Oh, this also. Has the man ever met an insurance premium payment he did not like?
Also, here, here, here and here. The first three arguably cumulative; the final one somewhat original in outlook. Whatever happened behind closed doors and behind the Iron Curtain of secrecy clothing off the Supremes' deliberations from sunshine beyond what the issued opinions say; Roberts' fabricating a "majority" opinion favoring insurance companies getting otherwise unavailable premium payments per the individual mandate decision back in 2012, "reasoned" as it was, might be argued as heavy on juris, light on prudence, but dead-certain explicit on premium flow continuity.
__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
If it comes to inventing theories, perhaps the Ghost of Single Payer haunted him in his sleep and he did a counter-Dickens, and Scrooged up for the insurance trade, knowing they could always ratchet up their rates as the plan favoring them settled in, all hope being the Ghost of Single Payer would be quelled that way and just sulk, and then skulk away.
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source |
Also, this link. Here and here. Here.
Here on Robert's majority opinion for the latest federal pro-insurance-industry opinion, subsidized premiums for insurers. Here and here on curiosities about the earlier pro-insurance-industry opinion, forced payment of insurance premiums under penalty of penalty, i.e., either play or pay.
Oh, this also. Has the man ever met an insurance premium payment he did not like?
Also, here, here, here and here. The first three arguably cumulative; the final one somewhat original in outlook. Whatever happened behind closed doors and behind the Iron Curtain of secrecy clothing off the Supremes' deliberations from sunshine beyond what the issued opinions say; Roberts' fabricating a "majority" opinion favoring insurance companies getting otherwise unavailable premium payments per the individual mandate decision back in 2012, "reasoned" as it was, might be argued as heavy on juris, light on prudence, but dead-certain explicit on premium flow continuity.
__________FURTHER UPDATE___________
If it comes to inventing theories, perhaps the Ghost of Single Payer haunted him in his sleep and he did a counter-Dickens, and Scrooged up for the insurance trade, knowing they could always ratchet up their rates as the plan favoring them settled in, all hope being the Ghost of Single Payer would be quelled that way and just sulk, and then skulk away.
Juan Cole has three interesting recent items on his Informed Comment website.
Here, here and here; not necessarily in any particular order.
Bernie having overflow crowds is a reminder of Eugene McCarthy's appeal because of disgust over Vietnam. McCarthy did draw large vocal vigorous crowds; but got torpedoed, while Bob Kennedy got shot dead.
McCarthy fared better.
Ultimately the McCarthy effort did not work. Let us hope Bernie's effort works out better for the nation than giving us 1 and a partial term of Dick Nixon or possibly two full terms of today's surrogate Dick Nixon.
Jeb, he actually looks more like W than Nixon, however, ...
What is Katherine Harris doing these days? Wikipedia only says "computer executive" in its sidebar. Could she be working for a standardized testing firm? It would compute. The only recent news easily located, HufPo 2013, here. As to computer expertise/experience indicia online, here and here. Sourcewatch has no Katherine Harris entries from this decade. I could not find a votesmart entry. Has the lady gone underground? Hiding somewhere with a sack of never counted Broward County ballots? Any reader help would be appreciated. Perhaps Jeb! knows. Something.
Bernie having overflow crowds is a reminder of Eugene McCarthy's appeal because of disgust over Vietnam. McCarthy did draw large vocal vigorous crowds; but got torpedoed, while Bob Kennedy got shot dead.
McCarthy fared better.
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CNN image |
Jeb, he actually looks more like W than Nixon, however, ...
What is Katherine Harris doing these days? Wikipedia only says "computer executive" in its sidebar. Could she be working for a standardized testing firm? It would compute. The only recent news easily located, HufPo 2013, here. As to computer expertise/experience indicia online, here and here. Sourcewatch has no Katherine Harris entries from this decade. I could not find a votesmart entry. Has the lady gone underground? Hiding somewhere with a sack of never counted Broward County ballots? Any reader help would be appreciated. Perhaps Jeb! knows. Something.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
TPP, TPA cloture vote seems to have made it a done deal.
The 60 votes for cloture, (a lack of debate or amendments on the main bill), were attained. The 13 Dem Senators who voted for cloture, (per the alphabetical-order list below from an email sent me):
Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Tom Carper (D-DE)
Chris Coons (D-DE)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND)
Tim Kaine (D-VA)
Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
Patty Murray (D-WA)
Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Mark Warner (D-VA)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Look at the list: Murray, Cantwell from Boeing, Microsoft, Costco.
The two Delaware Senators, DuPont land, plus the state with the most lax corporate regulatory regime, explaining why so many large, small and mid-size firms nominally incorporate and headquarter there.
Warner and Kaine from the defense industrial complex - beltway.
McCaskill from Monsanto. And Boeing's military arm, McDonnell of Vietnam Phantom jet fame, now F-18, has roots there.
Heitkamp from big fracking oil.
Feinstein from Silicon Valley - Hollywood, and their copyright fetish.
Wyden from Uncle Phil's Nike sweat shop empire.
Big Pharma likely resides where Republicans end up as Senators.
Colorado and Florida, hard to say, each of them having large military presence, if that's a factor.
New Hampshire, some of the Boston area cross border High-Tech is there, and at a guess that's a factor. That is a hard call as with Colorado and Florida.
Each of the others does appear to have major corporate debt-servicing to their votes.
Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Tom Carper (D-DE)
Chris Coons (D-DE)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND)
Tim Kaine (D-VA)
Claire McCaskill (D-MO)
Patty Murray (D-WA)
Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)
Mark Warner (D-VA)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Look at the list: Murray, Cantwell from Boeing, Microsoft, Costco.
The two Delaware Senators, DuPont land, plus the state with the most lax corporate regulatory regime, explaining why so many large, small and mid-size firms nominally incorporate and headquarter there.
Warner and Kaine from the defense industrial complex - beltway.
McCaskill from Monsanto. And Boeing's military arm, McDonnell of Vietnam Phantom jet fame, now F-18, has roots there.
Heitkamp from big fracking oil.
Feinstein from Silicon Valley - Hollywood, and their copyright fetish.
Wyden from Uncle Phil's Nike sweat shop empire.
Big Pharma likely resides where Republicans end up as Senators.
Colorado and Florida, hard to say, each of them having large military presence, if that's a factor.
New Hampshire, some of the Boston area cross border High-Tech is there, and at a guess that's a factor. That is a hard call as with Colorado and Florida.
Each of the others does appear to have major corporate debt-servicing to their votes.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
An appropriate moment to comment upon the current top sidebar item. Now that I have a good context.
BOTTOM LINE: Senator John Marty is one DFL'er environmentally sensitive persons can contribute to; the idea being not to contribute to the party itself, while Bakk remains Senate DFL leader, but instead to pick and choose "good guys." Starting with the bottom line allows presenting supporting evidence, in context.
An email that can be activated as a separate webpage was sent by Marty to his subscription list, and with that link readers can study its details.
Excerpting from leading introductory paragraphs:
That is calling a spade a spade. The "environmental vandalism" item Marty references is likely MinnPost, here. It is well written and easy to find content with which readers can agree. The only excerpt needed to emphasize, from the end (with supporting commentary all before that):
If not already crystal clear from earlier Crabgrass posting: Tom Bakk sold out his own party, in a a shabby way, going well beyond "representing the district" when he was elected earlier by his peers to do more and to hide less in last-minute mischief. He deserves to be unseated from any/all DFL leadership positions in the Minnesota Senate.
Like the MinnPost author, I am hard-pressed to think about giving Mark Dayton a passing grade on his conduct. He aided and abetted Tom Bakk to too great a degree, with a weak excuse over not wanting another shutdown.
Readers must decide for themselves whether other less outspoken legislators aside from Marty should receive their contributions. Who merits contributions is always a personal decision we each make within the political process. Yet, when you come across one as direct and truthful as John Marty the choice facing readers is helpfully clarified.
John Marty's district is secure, so he has that bedrock for the liberty of exercising his expression. Perhaps a good solution for everyone would be if John Marty (alone or along with possible others) were to form a "Minnesotans are Right to Yell Political Action Committee" (a/k/a MartyPAC), where donors would rely upon John Marty's judgment on how best to maximize the good of distributing PAC funds among other candidacies. I do not know if campaign spending law would permit such a step, but if not foreclosed by law my personal hope would be to see John Marty do precisely that.
An email that can be activated as a separate webpage was sent by Marty to his subscription list, and with that link readers can study its details.
Excerpting from leading introductory paragraphs:
2015 Legislative Report
Dear Friends,
Three weeks after the 2015 Legislative Session adjourned, and shortly after the one-day special session, I want to share my perspectives on the session.
I am pleased that we passed the strongest ban on toxic flame retardant chemicals in the nation and that we adopted a significant proposal to create buffer strips along our state's waterways, but deeply disappointed in many other actions of the legislature.
Both the legislative process and the outcome left much to be desired. Aided by a lack of transparency around the creation and negotiation of budget bills, the legislature caved in to what one columnist described as "environmental vandalism." This is not the way our government should operate, nor the results that Minnesotans deserve. I will continue pushing to reform the political process and to work for a healthy environment and economy for all Minnesotans.
Rep. Alice Hausman and Rep. John Lesch are joining me in hosting a town meeting on July 1, from 6 – 7:30 p.m. at the Hamline-Midway Library, 1558 W Minnehaha Ave in St Paul. We hope that you can join us to discuss the recent legislative session.
Thank you for giving me the honor to serve as your senator.
John Marty
That is calling a spade a spade. The "environmental vandalism" item Marty references is likely MinnPost, here. It is well written and easy to find content with which readers can agree. The only excerpt needed to emphasize, from the end (with supporting commentary all before that):
But no special expertise is needed to appreciate the scope of these assaults on resources and stewardship programs which, poll after poll consistently shows, are valued highly not only by “environmentalists” but by most everyone.
And that, no doubt, explains why so much of this dirty business was done on the quiet. Look at all the heat Wisconsin’s governor, Scott Walker, has taken for his recent efforts to dismantle citizen boards and hobble regulators assigned to protect the people’s resources.
Mark Dayton can say it was Republican lawmakers and their northern DFL collaborators, not his office, who borrowed a page from Walker’s playbook to pound on the MPCA and shield sulfide mining.
But if he acquiesces to their “gamesmanship,” as Steve Morse of the Minnesota Environmental Partnership has so appropriately termed it, he will be equally and memorably culpable.
I suppose it’s possible, though not very likely, that if the governor were to cast a veto or two in the direction of all this environmental mischief, no better bill could emerge from the special session.
Even so, there would be progress of a kind in opening the mess to a full review in the sunshine.
So I hope that Mark Dayton, for his own sake and ours, listens hard to the crowd outside his house this morning and then asks himself:
Do I want to be remembered as the guy who
-- Vetoed an education spending bill over disputes that few will be able to recall, and fewer explain, a couple of years from now, while
-- Surrendering to a campaign of vandalism against Minnesota’s environmental protections so ugly and venal that people will be talking about it long after my compromise achievement on waterway buffers has begun to fade?
If not already crystal clear from earlier Crabgrass posting: Tom Bakk sold out his own party, in a a shabby way, going well beyond "representing the district" when he was elected earlier by his peers to do more and to hide less in last-minute mischief. He deserves to be unseated from any/all DFL leadership positions in the Minnesota Senate.
Like the MinnPost author, I am hard-pressed to think about giving Mark Dayton a passing grade on his conduct. He aided and abetted Tom Bakk to too great a degree, with a weak excuse over not wanting another shutdown.
Readers must decide for themselves whether other less outspoken legislators aside from Marty should receive their contributions. Who merits contributions is always a personal decision we each make within the political process. Yet, when you come across one as direct and truthful as John Marty the choice facing readers is helpfully clarified.
John Marty's district is secure, so he has that bedrock for the liberty of exercising his expression. Perhaps a good solution for everyone would be if John Marty (alone or along with possible others) were to form a "Minnesotans are Right to Yell Political Action Committee" (a/k/a MartyPAC), where donors would rely upon John Marty's judgment on how best to maximize the good of distributing PAC funds among other candidacies. I do not know if campaign spending law would permit such a step, but if not foreclosed by law my personal hope would be to see John Marty do precisely that.
2700 University Ave. on Minnesota's Green Line. Apartments. "The developer of 2700 University received a multimillion financing package that included tax increment financing and tax-exempt bonds. In a statement, Andriana Abariotes, executive director of the Twin Cities Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) program, said that such mixed-income, mixed-use, transit-oriented development projects present significant financing challenges. 'The 2700 University partnership has demonstrated a new, replicable approach that leverages public investment and traditional multifamily financing,' she said." Guess who? Hint: reread about financing. Second hint, two words: Ryan Cronk
That's right. This Strib online link. The lead image was a bit misdirecting. A rendering, with clean lines, not tarted up with external bric-brac. But the financing, on the rail line; a combination that gives it away.
Salon - Clinton/Sanders compelling headlining and lead image, then text that fails to deliver. Plus - TPP again, latest links.
"... Does she buy what she's selling?" This link. Decide for yourself if the text of the item is a disappointment, after the headline/image.
Latest news on TPP [Readers, please post comments on Clinton's TPP/TPA/TAA position, if she's stated one of which you are aware]:
NY Times, reporting that a U.S. Senate vote is set for today, read the item for detail.
ibtimes.com critiques parts of "free trade" a/k/a "fair trade" potentials and existing difficulties.
Latest news on TPP [Readers, please post comments on Clinton's TPP/TPA/TAA position, if she's stated one of which you are aware]:
NY Times, reporting that a U.S. Senate vote is set for today, read the item for detail.
ibtimes.com critiques parts of "free trade" a/k/a "fair trade" potentials and existing difficulties.
Not the reincarnation of Lincoln, the Rail Splitter. More the bystander bopper.
![]() |
Seek the original. Don't be fooled by cheap imitations. |
UPDATE: It appears to be a widely reported "human interest" online news item.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Mouthpiece for vested interests questions the Pope's bona fides, and/or propriety in discussing man-made global warming.
Lo, none other than the Jeberwock:
Media Matters for America is the source, with its first "closed door meeting" link to here, with other Media Matters links in story text following that of the screen capture.
Beyond faith, to credibility and objectivity; it seems Francis scores well above the man who implies his economic policy gravitas is better than Vatican judgment. And then we see the truth of bootlicking to special interests, or at least that arguable appearance.
Do note, "closed doors." Jeb is his brother's [policy] keeper.
Wow - a closer reading of the WaPo item, Jeb digs up and parades the "job creators" shiboleth; to show his roots indeed are in fable.
Somebody Tom Bakk could love. Likely soul brothers on sulfide mine tailings not being properly regulated as hazardous solid waste.
One might argue convincingly that the use of the term "mouthpeice" in the headline is in error; and if given more thought it would have been, "Meeting cohort and featured invitee of convening big-pocket East Coast coal mine owners displays personal credentials subsequently as a man-made global warming skeptic. Does that mean follow the money?"
![]() |
click image to read |
Media Matters for America is the source, with its first "closed door meeting" link to here, with other Media Matters links in story text following that of the screen capture.
Beyond faith, to credibility and objectivity; it seems Francis scores well above the man who implies his economic policy gravitas is better than Vatican judgment. And then we see the truth of bootlicking to special interests, or at least that arguable appearance.
Do note, "closed doors." Jeb is his brother's [policy] keeper.
Wow - a closer reading of the WaPo item, Jeb digs up and parades the "job creators" shiboleth; to show his roots indeed are in fable.
Bush was the only potential presidential candidate on the agenda at the fourth annual meeting of the Coal & Investment Leadership Forum, which includes top officers of some of the largest coal firms in the eastern United States.
A spokesperson for Bush said the former Florida governor was happy to meet with corporate leaders "who are trying to grow the economy and create jobs, something being made more difficult by the excessive regulations and repressive policies of the Obama Administration."
Somebody Tom Bakk could love. Likely soul brothers on sulfide mine tailings not being properly regulated as hazardous solid waste.
One might argue convincingly that the use of the term "mouthpeice" in the headline is in error; and if given more thought it would have been, "Meeting cohort and featured invitee of convening big-pocket East Coast coal mine owners displays personal credentials subsequently as a man-made global warming skeptic. Does that mean follow the money?"
Saturday, June 20, 2015
Not hearing much lately about "job creators."
That awful term seems now in disfavor, and we all should be grateful.
When I think of "who are the job creators" I think of common criminals.
Without them, there'd be fewer police jobs, fewer prosecutor and public defender jobs, and privitized prisons would be bereft of job creation opportunity.
Given how the September 2008 splat unfolded, no Wall Street criminals ending in the slammer, the elite of criminality are not the job creators. It is the ordinary street criminal who seems to keep the machine well oiled and functioning. Especially in the days of marijuana legalization moving forward, we simply need more general-purpose thugs.
What could be clearer? They are "job creators" and should be accorded respect by right-wing bloggers who in the past have over-used that objectionable term. They deserve an appreciative woof from the Watchdog, for creating more jobs than the Anoka County Record has, or will.
When I think of "who are the job creators" I think of common criminals.
Without them, there'd be fewer police jobs, fewer prosecutor and public defender jobs, and privitized prisons would be bereft of job creation opportunity.
Given how the September 2008 splat unfolded, no Wall Street criminals ending in the slammer, the elite of criminality are not the job creators. It is the ordinary street criminal who seems to keep the machine well oiled and functioning. Especially in the days of marijuana legalization moving forward, we simply need more general-purpose thugs.
What could be clearer? They are "job creators" and should be accorded respect by right-wing bloggers who in the past have over-used that objectionable term. They deserve an appreciative woof from the Watchdog, for creating more jobs than the Anoka County Record has, or will.
Along with knowing about the Auditor's office, what were the various budget numbers, as reported by Minnesota media?
Does this, relate to this or this? I understand that my ignorance is showing, that I have to ask. Does it relate to all the circle working that went on and on, ... and on for months, two legislatve houses, hearings included, only to see surprise and anguish over last minute ambushes and surprise? And a quick, grumbled-over special session not even near to public worker furloughs. Help me. How did the final budget numbers; the peicemeal bifurcation of a single bottom line, change from pre- to post-special session? The parking lot vs. room with a view, covered in part, but who got what; how did servicing of the various districts change, regular to special session?
"Satya" sends an email to "Team," mentioning the "Microsoft ecosystem," a usage which conjures images of predator-prey relationships in eco-balance.
And if the firm is full of predators, where does that leave customers?
This link. Shuffling the chairs, oh look, a guy or two no longer have chairs ...
Nothing in there about cash flows and balance sheet - income statement. Just better for us.
An XBox Elite, to better your life, so rest assured all is sincere.
That "cloud-first" approach is just what you want, isn't it? A monthly subscription service. However pricing evolves.
More: Days apart, with the Vatican and Microsoft expressing carbon footprint considerations, indeed a report out of Bonn so the Germans are onboard too, how can climate change doubters remain? How can it ever stay in fashion to doubt? Especially with Microsoft thoughtfully including an explanatory green chart that even a child can follow? Even more direct, a revolving green leaf from the "Smart 2030 - play video" thing. It's like Met Council, 2030 comp plans, all the puzzle pieces fitting together. Your future is being ably prepared. It will make your Crabgrass grow and your Northstar shine.
And, do not leave out the Chinese. With a $40 million investment. Of Microsoft money. A global ecosystem, that word again, predator-prey relationships, perhaps touching TPP, TPA, and TAA to make your life and your children's children's lives better in the U.S. of A.
Who said reading corporate "news" is dry, unrewarding, and uninformative?
With two schools of thought, a little may not be enough, and you do not make a more interesting point by adding coumulative and possibly weaker detail, more detail, e.g., here:
How can you wait for such breakthrough technology, with something for everyone, even for boring corporate spenders?
Obviously you cannot, and the one shill mentioned the Win 8.1 devices in the pipeline now, so go and see. Go and buy.
Especially go and buy if you are big-ticket corporate, where Microsoft uses its own hardware branding (as with the gamers' XBox hardware):
And here again, on the item bylined Taipei, the headline: "Computex 2015: Microsoft showcases new Windows 10 devices from partners and broadens the ecosystem opportunity."
"Ecosystem" again. That must make Microsoft "job creators" but with the latter term waning, what, "engines of industrial information driven ecosystem progress?" Right. Perhaps "job creators" is not that bad. If not driving information ecosystem innovation, at least the plastics/petrochem people are getting a part of high tech trickle down. For the good of all.
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
For the good of all.
That item bylined Taipei, further notes:
Let's see, your face recognized with a profile of it stored on the device you have connected to the Internet, and than fingerprint recognition, and Cortana being voice recognition, both likewise profile-stored. "Cloud connected device" the one item said. Doubtlessly that "biometric security technology" that was also mentioned includes such strong encryption for you that even the NSA could not break it, and should they, we know they, our NSA, operates without nefarious purposes. Buy and enjoy.
This link. Shuffling the chairs, oh look, a guy or two no longer have chairs ...
Over the past year, I have said that Microsoft aspires to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. To do this, building the best-in-class productivity services and platforms for the mobile-first, cloud-first world is at the heart of our strategy, with three interconnected and bold ambitions:
Reinvent productivity and business processes
Build the intelligent cloud platform
Create more personal computing
Nothing in there about cash flows and balance sheet - income statement. Just better for us.
An XBox Elite, to better your life, so rest assured all is sincere.
That "cloud-first" approach is just what you want, isn't it? A monthly subscription service. However pricing evolves.
More: Days apart, with the Vatican and Microsoft expressing carbon footprint considerations, indeed a report out of Bonn so the Germans are onboard too, how can climate change doubters remain? How can it ever stay in fashion to doubt? Especially with Microsoft thoughtfully including an explanatory green chart that even a child can follow? Even more direct, a revolving green leaf from the "Smart 2030 - play video" thing. It's like Met Council, 2030 comp plans, all the puzzle pieces fitting together. Your future is being ably prepared. It will make your Crabgrass grow and your Northstar shine.
And, do not leave out the Chinese. With a $40 million investment. Of Microsoft money. A global ecosystem, that word again, predator-prey relationships, perhaps touching TPP, TPA, and TAA to make your life and your children's children's lives better in the U.S. of A.
Who said reading corporate "news" is dry, unrewarding, and uninformative?
With two schools of thought, a little may not be enough, and you do not make a more interesting point by adding coumulative and possibly weaker detail, more detail, e.g., here:
TAIPEI, Taiwan — June 3, 2015 — Wednesday during a keynote address at the Taipei International Convention Center, Nick Parker, corporate vice president OEM Division, Microsoft Corp., discussed how Windows 10 is enabling the next generation of devices and cloud-based solutions. Parker highlighted the vast opportunities that Windows 10 creates for partners to grow their businesses by selling the innovative Windows 8.1 devices that are in the marketplace now, promoting the great experience that Windows 10 will offer on those devices when upgraded, and building new hardware across traditional and emerging device categories. These new devices will bring Windows 10 to life when it becomes available in 190 countries around the world on July 29 and in the following months.
Parker was joined onstage by Tony Prophet, corporate vice president for Windows and Search Marketing, and Roanne Sones, general manager of Windows Engineering. Prophet highlighted the ambitious goal of 1 billion devices running Windows 10 in the next two to three years and discussed how Microsoft will drive excitement and demand for Windows 10 and new devices. Sones demonstrated rich new experiences and scenarios that Windows 10 enables including Start menu enhancements, universal apps and drivers, multitasking, and PC security features. She demonstrated the latest innovations in Cortana,1 Continuum, Microsoft Edge and Windows Hello,2 and she discussed how DirectX 12 will improve the gaming experience, as well as the opportunity for OEMs to develop unique hardware to light up these new capabilities.
Parker shared Microsoft’s commitment to hardware partners to foster opportunities, drive innovation, increase demand and grow the market for Windows devices. [...]
How can you wait for such breakthrough technology, with something for everyone, even for boring corporate spenders?
Obviously you cannot, and the one shill mentioned the Win 8.1 devices in the pipeline now, so go and see. Go and buy.
Especially go and buy if you are big-ticket corporate, where Microsoft uses its own hardware branding (as with the gamers' XBox hardware):
REDMOND, Wash. — June 10, 2015 — Microsoft Corp. on Wednesday announced that Microsoft Surface Hub, the company’s new large-screen collaboration device, will be available for businesses to order in 24 markets beginning July 1. Breakthrough hardware innovations in touch and ink allow Surface Hub to harness the power of Windows 10, Skype for Business, Office, OneNote and Universal Windows apps to deliver a new kind of productivity experience optimized for groups. The unique experience is designed to be just as engaging for people working together in the same room as for those connecting remotely. To meet the needs of a variety of rooms and spaces, Surface Hub is available in two main configurations: Surface Hub 55-inch for $6,999, and Surface Hub 84-inch for $19,999.
Surface Hub delivers the power and versatility of a complete, cloud-connected Windows 10 device along with the simplicity and consistency of a custom interface that is built for shared spaces. The device is designed for anyone to walk up and use, providing an engaging way to share ideas and information. Right from the welcome screen it’s easy to start white-boarding, initiate a videoconference or share content, but that’s just the beginning. [...]
And here again, on the item bylined Taipei, the headline: "Computex 2015: Microsoft showcases new Windows 10 devices from partners and broadens the ecosystem opportunity."
"Ecosystem" again. That must make Microsoft "job creators" but with the latter term waning, what, "engines of industrial information driven ecosystem progress?" Right. Perhaps "job creators" is not that bad. If not driving information ecosystem innovation, at least the plastics/petrochem people are getting a part of high tech trickle down. For the good of all.
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
For the good of all.
That item bylined Taipei, further notes:
Parker highlighted an array of devices, some never before seen, designed for Windows 10 including PCs from Acer, ASUS, Dell, HP and Toshiba:
[...] A new Toshiba PC enables Windows Hello with the latest in biometric security technology, including a face-authentication camera, an Ultra HD 4K screen and optimization for Cortana.
In addition Parker demonstrated two new PC form factors:
FoxConn Kangaroo is an ultra-portable desktop PC that turns your TV into a full Windows PC, including a fingerprint reader to support Windows Hello and up to six hours of battery life.
Let's see, your face recognized with a profile of it stored on the device you have connected to the Internet, and than fingerprint recognition, and Cortana being voice recognition, both likewise profile-stored. "Cloud connected device" the one item said. Doubtlessly that "biometric security technology" that was also mentioned includes such strong encryption for you that even the NSA could not break it, and should they, we know they, our NSA, operates without nefarious purposes. Buy and enjoy.
Friday, June 19, 2015
Dayton surely put a bunch of strange bedfellows onto the Stadium Board. As if parking with a salary might be as important as capability.
Strib reporting. Ted Mondale. Jay Lindgren. Those two boys from Young Mondale's days at Met Council where, if I recall properly, Mondale had software he spun off, there was Fingerhut, and there was Petters with Young Mondale on the Petters staff and payroll. The Trade Union Guy, McCarthy.
It looks to me to be a parking lot including a nod to special interests but what do I know.
This former close Dayton staff person, Ms. Klem-Whoever, seems incompatible with others.
He should mop up the mess in that clown car.
It looks to me to be a parking lot including a nod to special interests but what do I know.
This former close Dayton staff person, Ms. Klem-Whoever, seems incompatible with others.
He should mop up the mess in that clown car.
How can one disagree with a mind as adept as Blaise Pascal?
For readers who care, that is a screen capture of a part of the Mathematician of the Day - This Day in Math page:
for today, June 19th, with that page itself a subpage of
With an earlier workstation I had pinned a shortcut to the Windows desktop; and had forgotten it until today. While doing some system maintenance, I reinstalled the shortcut.
Back to the headline, how can you disagree?
Are they checking NSA databases?
An AP feed carried by Strib here states mid-item and then ends:
Are we being sold a story that this is information that curious minds at NSA would not want to know? That they are apolitical that way, even while being questioned by others about who they are and what they do? That they'd have no motive because such information would not be of use to NSA personnel, if held by NSA personnel? That seems a curious line of thought fraught with uncertainty. However, trust that there is an ongoing investigation. At least we will not be told the data breach was the work of a lone gunman.
The administration acknowledged earlier this month that hackers stole the personnel files and background investigations of current and former civilian, intelligence and military employees, contractors and even job applicants. Initially, the U.S. said the stolen data included Social Security numbers, birth dates, job actions and other private information for 4.2 million workers.
Days later, it acknowledged that the cyber spies obtained detailed background information on millions of military, intelligence and other personnel who have been investigated for security clearances. That information included details about drug use, criminal convictions, mental health issues and the names and addresses of relatives and any foreigners with whom they had contact.
[...] The new disclosures bode poorly for U.S. efforts to quietly and quickly locate the stolen data — especially the detailed personal histories of millions of people with security clearances — on foreign computer servers and hack them to delete, encrypt or corrupt the material to render it useless. The administration has assessed that multiple backup copies have already been made with at least some stored on computers physically disconnected from any networks, the two people involved in the investigation told the AP.
Are we being sold a story that this is information that curious minds at NSA would not want to know? That they are apolitical that way, even while being questioned by others about who they are and what they do? That they'd have no motive because such information would not be of use to NSA personnel, if held by NSA personnel? That seems a curious line of thought fraught with uncertainty. However, trust that there is an ongoing investigation. At least we will not be told the data breach was the work of a lone gunman.
Michele Bachmann is Crabgrass.
Why not say that? Just like a developer she stands around with her hand out and when people lavish her palm with freebies she, presumably, is thankful for fools.
This Strib link.
How is hand out, awaiting as if largesse is due and earned and inevitable, different in any fashion from DEVELOPERS?
Tell me. I see conscious parallelism. Reliance upon apparent, total fools. And, without the fools it does not work.
This earlier Crabgrass post.
This Strib link.
How is hand out, awaiting as if largesse is due and earned and inevitable, different in any fashion from DEVELOPERS?
Tell me. I see conscious parallelism. Reliance upon apparent, total fools. And, without the fools it does not work.
This earlier Crabgrass post.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
House, largely along party lines, passed Fast Track without any worker job displacement protections, sending it to the Senate that way.
An email I received, sent two hour ago:
Representation without responsibility is tyranny? Wasn't something like that said in colonial times, leading to a transition from colonies to Confederation to Constitutional nationhood? We have regressed.
Subject: The votes: Fast track
http://politics.nytimes.com/congress/votes/114/house/1/374 details how our reps voted. Emmer Yes, McCollum No
From: [private identity]
Subject: Action: Fast track
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 2015 14:29:24 -0500
The house passed the limited version of the fast track on the Trans Pacific Partnership today so it goes back to the Senate for a re-vote. I called Franken and Klobuchar. Franken remains against, Klobuchar's staff is not stating her position. Here's the numbers to call:
Klobuchar 202-224-3244
Franken 202-224-5641
McCollum 202-225-6631
Emmer 202-225-2331
Pelosi 202-225-4965
Essentially what I do is ask for the position of the legislator then leave my message of opposition. Calls matter more than emails that matter more than doing nothing!
Representation without responsibility is tyranny? Wasn't something like that said in colonial times, leading to a transition from colonies to Confederation to Constitutional nationhood? We have regressed.
Amateur spin-doctoring, and offensive gloating over dismal parochialism.
This link.
Somehow omitting the "room with a view" story. A story widely recognized in DFL circles.
As expected. Fully so.
Somehow omitting the "room with a view" story. A story widely recognized in DFL circles.
As expected. Fully so.
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[UPDATED] Papal encyclical, widely reported. Available online.
New York Times, hours ago, this screen capture:

WaPo, here.
Guardian, [Snowden's publisher], here.
Encyclical online, here.
Strangely missing, at a glance, recocilation of a finite planet and a population growth rate beyond ultimate sustainability - as a matter of science, not faith.
The Unabomber's Manifesto remains online, e.g., at WaPo, here.
Tom Petters ran a Ponzi scheme in Minnesota, and was careful not to rock his own boat, despite it running aground, ultimately.
Here is an image of LeBron. Note the many cellphone cameras:
Seek and ye shall find. Isn't that Biblical terminology? This link. An outlook making sense to many. And while that excerpt is a helpful reminder, the book and encyclical each has detail; and you can still easily buy the book from Amazon in case, over time, you may have lost or misplaced or forgotten your copy.
___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
More on the same. Club of Rome with addenda and rephrasing? And does this redirect attention from, e.g., the Nienstedt Diaries? It was time for the encyclical anyway, but collateral benefit - may it be God's will?
___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Since the Pope said, "Greed is not good," the right wingers are aflutter, e.g., here. My critique, there is much good and good sense to the encyclical but Francis does a straddle on family reproduction decision making and choice as necessary to a sane world population policy where hewing the existing Vatican party line is to be expected, even while not merited; and it is curious that the Nienstadt resignation was made to happen before actual release of the encyclical, as if a [white] puff of smoke[screen] is at play.
Much good and no evil is at play, judgment on family planning rights can be criticized, and the right wingers who have their drawers in a bind deserve to have their drawers in a bind. It is good for them.
Also, Francis was inexact about trade treaties written by Wall Street money. Indirectly one can infer a distaste for such stuff on his part, but explicit words about labor rights and human trade-related decency worldwide might have bettered the reception among skeptical progressives.
Oil and coal moguls have not appeared to offer much praise. Which means you know Francis nailed a few things down tight and outta-sight, in terms of truth.

WaPo, here.
Guardian, [Snowden's publisher], here.
Encyclical online, here.
Strangely missing, at a glance, recocilation of a finite planet and a population growth rate beyond ultimate sustainability - as a matter of science, not faith.
The Unabomber's Manifesto remains online, e.g., at WaPo, here.
Tom Petters ran a Ponzi scheme in Minnesota, and was careful not to rock his own boat, despite it running aground, ultimately.
Here is an image of LeBron. Note the many cellphone cameras:
Seek and ye shall find. Isn't that Biblical terminology? This link. An outlook making sense to many. And while that excerpt is a helpful reminder, the book and encyclical each has detail; and you can still easily buy the book from Amazon in case, over time, you may have lost or misplaced or forgotten your copy.
___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
More on the same. Club of Rome with addenda and rephrasing? And does this redirect attention from, e.g., the Nienstedt Diaries? It was time for the encyclical anyway, but collateral benefit - may it be God's will?
___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Since the Pope said, "Greed is not good," the right wingers are aflutter, e.g., here. My critique, there is much good and good sense to the encyclical but Francis does a straddle on family reproduction decision making and choice as necessary to a sane world population policy where hewing the existing Vatican party line is to be expected, even while not merited; and it is curious that the Nienstadt resignation was made to happen before actual release of the encyclical, as if a [white] puff of smoke[screen] is at play.
Much good and no evil is at play, judgment on family planning rights can be criticized, and the right wingers who have their drawers in a bind deserve to have their drawers in a bind. It is good for them.
Also, Francis was inexact about trade treaties written by Wall Street money. Indirectly one can infer a distaste for such stuff on his part, but explicit words about labor rights and human trade-related decency worldwide might have bettered the reception among skeptical progressives.
Oil and coal moguls have not appeared to offer much praise. Which means you know Francis nailed a few things down tight and outta-sight, in terms of truth.
Who is honing at the stone for State Auditor cuts, a/k/a whose boat did the auditor rock?
This is aside from Becky Otto's stand on environmental sanity and thus making the mining-industrial complex's hit list; which received much attention last election cycle; e.g., as reported here; and with regard to some of the shameless opportunism it spawned; e.g., as reported here. [UPDATE: Here also.]
That was policy. And economic corporatism having its fiscal interests.
Then there is personal. A specific ox goring? You decide.
Back in January of this year Aaron Brown reported, here, in relevant part:
[links and italics in original - red bolding added] So the good Senator holds two public-trough jobs, legislative with an annual salary, and lobbyist paid in part out of public money; because, well, Rangers can operate that way without shame or hesitation.
So, who exactly is at the honing stone, doing the knife-sharpening? Moreover, who is paying for that honing stone, is it in part public money? And why exactly are we seeing what we see?
Even if it's the Lone Ranger at the stone, how many Tonto players are there and what are their names, ranks, and serial numbers? Would they if put out of darkness and into sunshine then be touting private sector auditing of themselves and their conduct?
That was policy. And economic corporatism having its fiscal interests.
Then there is personal. A specific ox goring? You decide.
Back in January of this year Aaron Brown reported, here, in relevant part:
Iron Range senator plans to hold office while leading public sector lobbying group
Last Friday, the Range Association of Municipalities and Schools (RAMS) announced that State Sen. David Tomassoni (DFL-Chisholm) will be organization's new executive director.
In a Mesabi Daily News story over the weekend, Tomassoni confirmed that he would be starting the RAMS job after the end of the current legislative session. He said he would take a leave of absence from the position during subsequent sessions, during which RAMS would hire a lobbyist to perform what would otherwise be his normal duties.
Ballotpedia explains RAMS succinctly:
The Range Association of Municipalities and Schools is a government sector lobbying association. The association lobbies on behalf of public entities, and public money is used in part for this, according to the Minnesota State Auditor. [...]
[links and italics in original - red bolding added] So the good Senator holds two public-trough jobs, legislative with an annual salary, and lobbyist paid in part out of public money; because, well, Rangers can operate that way without shame or hesitation.
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source |
Even if it's the Lone Ranger at the stone, how many Tonto players are there and what are their names, ranks, and serial numbers? Would they if put out of darkness and into sunshine then be touting private sector auditing of themselves and their conduct?
Hat tip to an occasional reader for calling a link to my attention.
This particular item. Perhaps one who wished dearly for a room with a view might have the wish mooted.
Same occasional reader, different link, leading indirectly to two key web postings; here and here. I'd not kept up with Timmer since Spot retired, (as well as Katherine Kersten doing almost that). Timmer's published regard for Kersten was in its time fine reading.
Same occasional reader, different link, leading indirectly to two key web postings; here and here. I'd not kept up with Timmer since Spot retired, (as well as Katherine Kersten doing almost that). Timmer's published regard for Kersten was in its time fine reading.
Thought experiments are fun. Try this one. You create a slush fund, and then develop a dislike for the slushing, and the slushors and their cronies, then what? You turn a blind eye, or you retrench and repair?
When Timmer and Brodkorb see the same thing, it must be real, given how each has his own vision capabilities and interests. Not that such coincidence has much to do with anything on the sidebar, just that it is an interesting thought experiment to weigh a cause in order to consider possible ensuing effects.
Wholly unrelated but possibly of interest to some, James Brown has been called The Godfather of Soul, funk, that style, and within it he knew how to deliver a badass message within a performance, although his music is mainly apolitical. It is a form of music that might not have appeal to everyone.
Wholly unrelated but possibly of interest to some, James Brown has been called The Godfather of Soul, funk, that style, and within it he knew how to deliver a badass message within a performance, although his music is mainly apolitical. It is a form of music that might not have appeal to everyone.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Andy at Residual Forces writes of a distrust and dislike of the way Boehner operates. Absent, strangely, is any connect to his CD6 person, Emmer, nor any part of the distrust and dislike for the House Financial Services Committee and those on it.
Ditto when his CD6 person was Bachmann; ditto, that identical House committee. Wall Street being a source of campaigning cash to MB, without a peep from Andy.
He's got the Watchdog's blind right eye. Or is there another explanation?
That email he writes of:
Andy, to have a say, forward it to Emmer. In doing that, ask Emmer to articulate why he sought that Wall Street committee assignment; and if he is to not be or appear as a thrall to Wall Street, ask gentleman Emmer to pledge:
Good luck there, Andy fella.
Could somebody tell Andy to compare
with the Google cache of the identically numbered ...//s3768252.shtml Hubbard flagship item.
Andy deserves that heads up. And quick, before the cache gets updated.
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
I am uncertain, but I might earlier have written a mistake. Emmer is currently listed as on the House Ag Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee, (assignments Cargill must like). I seem to recall a change that way being reported earlier. However, I am confused, per this taken-today screen capture of Emmer's official House webpage saying "Financial Services:"

At any rate, the gentleman did align himself with the moneyed backers of TPP and Fast Track trade policy; his website says so, per the TAA part of things, as does this item (which also states he did not vote against TPP - Fast Track, something omitted from the official Emmer website).
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Readers might find this link helpful in distinguishing TPP, TPA, TAA and the other confusions the politicians, in their wisdom, have smoke screened via acronyms anonymous.
Readers might also be helpful in clarifying Emmer House committee assignments; as well as perhaps fleshing out the context of Andy's dissatisfactions; given how Andy declined to do so.
__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Somebody might also remind Andy that all politics is local, and he's loosing touch with, (or suppressing), local dimensions of CD6 in the course of tirade and fulmination.
__________POSSIBLY FINAL UPDATE_________
I was right the first time, and wrong in doubting myself. The musical chairs getting Emmer as close to Wall Street as was Bachmann is reported here; and his trade votes might be argued as less in support of the American workforce, and instead consistent with earlier reported Emmer favorites.
So is Andy now in the Rand Paul camp? Or what?
___________ONE MORE JUMP IN_____________
HufPo carries, "White House Trade Strategy: Talk Progressive, Use Wall Street to Negotiate the Deal, by Mike Lux, Co-Founder, Democracy Partners," which states:
[links in original] Connecting dots is not hard when there are mainly those two big ones, Wall Street writing the terms and conditions and Emmer servicing the financiers while on the Financial Services Committee.
It seems there should be some so-called "grassroots" holding of feet to the fire.
Not so. Andy simply rants. Against Boehner. He has no vote either way, for or against Boehner. Folks in Ohio have that.
Yo, Andy. Can you see Emmer, right in front of you, servicing financiers and not you?
Objections were not born yesterday. A half year ago, while skids were being greased among the privileged and powerful, unrest was afoot; this link.
He's got the Watchdog's blind right eye. Or is there another explanation?
That email he writes of:
Andy, to have a say, forward it to Emmer. In doing that, ask Emmer to articulate why he sought that Wall Street committee assignment; and if he is to not be or appear as a thrall to Wall Street, ask gentleman Emmer to pledge:
I will not accept any Wall Street money for my future campaigns. Nor will I serve as a tool of big media, local or national, if such media is liking DC GOP congressional leadership as it is, procedurally and as to corporatism as a policy.
Good luck there, Andy fella.
KSTP. Stanley Hubbard's flagship reporting. |
Could somebody tell Andy to compare
with the Google cache of the identically numbered ...//s3768252.shtml Hubbard flagship item.
Andy deserves that heads up. And quick, before the cache gets updated.
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
I am uncertain, but I might earlier have written a mistake. Emmer is currently listed as on the House Ag Committee and Foreign Affairs Committee, (assignments Cargill must like). I seem to recall a change that way being reported earlier. However, I am confused, per this taken-today screen capture of Emmer's official House webpage saying "Financial Services:"

At any rate, the gentleman did align himself with the moneyed backers of TPP and Fast Track trade policy; his website says so, per the TAA part of things, as does this item (which also states he did not vote against TPP - Fast Track, something omitted from the official Emmer website).
___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Readers might find this link helpful in distinguishing TPP, TPA, TAA and the other confusions the politicians, in their wisdom, have smoke screened via acronyms anonymous.
Readers might also be helpful in clarifying Emmer House committee assignments; as well as perhaps fleshing out the context of Andy's dissatisfactions; given how Andy declined to do so.
__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Somebody might also remind Andy that all politics is local, and he's loosing touch with, (or suppressing), local dimensions of CD6 in the course of tirade and fulmination.
__________POSSIBLY FINAL UPDATE_________
I was right the first time, and wrong in doubting myself. The musical chairs getting Emmer as close to Wall Street as was Bachmann is reported here; and his trade votes might be argued as less in support of the American workforce, and instead consistent with earlier reported Emmer favorites.
So is Andy now in the Rand Paul camp? Or what?
___________ONE MORE JUMP IN_____________
HufPo carries, "White House Trade Strategy: Talk Progressive, Use Wall Street to Negotiate the Deal, by Mike Lux, Co-Founder, Democracy Partners," which states:
When I was in the Clinton administration, I kept suggesting smart progressive people whom I thought would be great to have on the U.S. Trade Representative's negotiating team, because the president had promised that they would negotiate treaties with progressive values in mind. None of the people I recommended was ever seriously considered. And when I would arrange meetings for progressive-minded folks to come in and talk to negotiators from USTR, I got sent memos attacking me for trying to "undermine" the process.
The pattern continued in the Obama administration. I was on the Obama transition team, but no progressive I suggested was ever even interviewed for USTR. The folks appointed at USTR have all been Wall Street-oriented Democrats, including the current head of USTR, Michael Froman, who was a senior executive at Citibank. Shocking, then, that the TPP is, by and large, a giveaway to the finance industry.
[links in original] Connecting dots is not hard when there are mainly those two big ones, Wall Street writing the terms and conditions and Emmer servicing the financiers while on the Financial Services Committee.
It seems there should be some so-called "grassroots" holding of feet to the fire.
Not so. Andy simply rants. Against Boehner. He has no vote either way, for or against Boehner. Folks in Ohio have that.
Yo, Andy. Can you see Emmer, right in front of you, servicing financiers and not you?
Objections were not born yesterday. A half year ago, while skids were being greased among the privileged and powerful, unrest was afoot; this link.
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
For those using the Mozilla Firefox browser, or a derivative one, a recently added "addon" has interesting properties.
This link, and the item is self-explanatory. It uses policy of some paywall-locked content providers which allow a paywall bypass for search engine returns that link to paywalled content; the idea being users can view content that way as an enticement to subscribe. E.g., Rupert's content, here, which is an item of general interest.
The addon can function, again e.g., using the Cyberfox 64-bit version compiled as optimized for Intel processors. Such a configuration has been used for experimental purposes; specifically for testing the addon.
Using Firefox (or browsers based on the Firefox code) allows much customization, including script blocking addons and ad-blocking addons, cache management and cookie management addons, and video addons, (some allowing choice between Adobe Flash or HTML5 for video display), with some download and conversion addons available which allow video downloading at different resolutions as well as audio only stripping. The latter might be useful for long flights with, e.g., even a low-end Windows 8.1 tablet with the VLC media player installed and content loaded to a microSD card.
As with iPhone apps, one must always worry that an addon could contain malware, however, trust and reputation protections exist. If any reader wishes to try the Paywall Pass addon, again, for this wsj.com item, it works.
Is it bad internet etiquette to use such an available product to bypass a content provider's paywall? Yes, but the particular addon is new as of June 10, 2015 (or updated then if published earlier), with, so far, only between 200 and 300 downloads.
While Firefox trails Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer in browser market share, some people prefer it to the point that it has a larger market share than Apple's Safari browser, or the Opera product, which itself is an excellent product based on Chromium Project code.
While not encouraging or urging any reader to install a product coded to bypass a paywall, which would be improper, it nonetheless is interesting to see cat-and-mouse internet interplay between some large organizations providing content and some users wanting content access on their own terms. As to what may or may not be lawful or unlawful, ask a lawyer. Rules do exist. There can be complications as well as opportunity.
Apart from any specific addon capabilities and complications, alternative browsers to Microsoft's bundled Internet Explorer do exist and using them is entirely lawful if adhering to the rules. Some like Google's Chrome browser, for example, so that it has a very substantial market share.
For any reader hesitant to install a paywall bypass feature into a working browser, the Paywall Pass developer explains a wholly separate but related browsing process:
[link in original] Knowing that Lifehacker published procedure may prove helpful to users of Chrome or Internet Explorer, or Apple laptops using Safari as the preloaded browser; (users for whom the addon is unavailable). A caveat would be that repeated use of such a paywall bypass browsing method, making it a habit, might arguably breach copyright law; again a point about which only a qualified lawyer might give reliable advice.
The addon can function, again e.g., using the Cyberfox 64-bit version compiled as optimized for Intel processors. Such a configuration has been used for experimental purposes; specifically for testing the addon.
Using Firefox (or browsers based on the Firefox code) allows much customization, including script blocking addons and ad-blocking addons, cache management and cookie management addons, and video addons, (some allowing choice between Adobe Flash or HTML5 for video display), with some download and conversion addons available which allow video downloading at different resolutions as well as audio only stripping. The latter might be useful for long flights with, e.g., even a low-end Windows 8.1 tablet with the VLC media player installed and content loaded to a microSD card.
As with iPhone apps, one must always worry that an addon could contain malware, however, trust and reputation protections exist. If any reader wishes to try the Paywall Pass addon, again, for this wsj.com item, it works.
Is it bad internet etiquette to use such an available product to bypass a content provider's paywall? Yes, but the particular addon is new as of June 10, 2015 (or updated then if published earlier), with, so far, only between 200 and 300 downloads.
While Firefox trails Google Chrome and Microsoft Internet Explorer in browser market share, some people prefer it to the point that it has a larger market share than Apple's Safari browser, or the Opera product, which itself is an excellent product based on Chromium Project code.
While not encouraging or urging any reader to install a product coded to bypass a paywall, which would be improper, it nonetheless is interesting to see cat-and-mouse internet interplay between some large organizations providing content and some users wanting content access on their own terms. As to what may or may not be lawful or unlawful, ask a lawyer. Rules do exist. There can be complications as well as opportunity.
Apart from any specific addon capabilities and complications, alternative browsers to Microsoft's bundled Internet Explorer do exist and using them is entirely lawful if adhering to the rules. Some like Google's Chrome browser, for example, so that it has a very substantial market share.
For any reader hesitant to install a paywall bypass feature into a working browser, the Paywall Pass developer explains a wholly separate but related browsing process:
The simplest way to do this is to do a search on the name or url of the article and click the first link from a search engine. This has been possible for quite a while, as shown in this lifehacker post from 2010: http://lifehacker.com/5443857/get-free-access-to-pay-walled-content-with-a-simple-google-hack
This addon simplifies that process by simply changing the browser referal field to a search engine and reloading the page elements. It works quickly and consistently; all you have to do is click a button.
[link in original] Knowing that Lifehacker published procedure may prove helpful to users of Chrome or Internet Explorer, or Apple laptops using Safari as the preloaded browser; (users for whom the addon is unavailable). A caveat would be that repeated use of such a paywall bypass browsing method, making it a habit, might arguably breach copyright law; again a point about which only a qualified lawyer might give reliable advice.
Monday, June 15, 2015
Hat tip to Andy A. this time, for a post at his Residual Forces blog. I did not have to write an original post of the situation he critiques since he did it.
This link, title and opening sentence, "Blaine – A Legal Conflict Of Interest --- The City of Blaine’s recent attorney change stinks of cronyism."
(Posted on June 15, 2015 by Andy)
Read what Andy wrote, and see if you agree. I do. It reminds me of Ramsey's affection for Elwyn Tinklenberg; except that Tinklenberg's situation, while to me an inexplicable use of town funds, is NOT tainted by the type of unsavory situation Andy writes about, in Blaine. It's just a difference of judgment I have with Ramsey's council and staff, not a conflicted thing. It also reminds me of Ryan Cronk's past hiring for Flaherty, and Jungbauer's tie to Landform; yesterday's fish, so let it be. But read about that situation in Blaine [the Tinklenberg reminder may be based on recalling his touting having been mayor of Blaine, before I began living in Minnesota, so I cannot judge his tenure there one way or the other.] Ask Andy or Elwyn about that, both have lived in Minnesota, Anoka County, for all or the majority of their adult lives.
(Posted on June 15, 2015 by Andy)
Read what Andy wrote, and see if you agree. I do. It reminds me of Ramsey's affection for Elwyn Tinklenberg; except that Tinklenberg's situation, while to me an inexplicable use of town funds, is NOT tainted by the type of unsavory situation Andy writes about, in Blaine. It's just a difference of judgment I have with Ramsey's council and staff, not a conflicted thing. It also reminds me of Ryan Cronk's past hiring for Flaherty, and Jungbauer's tie to Landform; yesterday's fish, so let it be. But read about that situation in Blaine [the Tinklenberg reminder may be based on recalling his touting having been mayor of Blaine, before I began living in Minnesota, so I cannot judge his tenure there one way or the other.] Ask Andy or Elwyn about that, both have lived in Minnesota, Anoka County, for all or the majority of their adult lives.
"Hillary Rodham Clinton will hold a fundraiser on June 22nd at the home of Ellen Goldberg Luger. She's married to Andy Luger, U.S. Attorney for Minnesota. A ticket to the fundraiser is $2,700 - the maximum amount allowed by law before a nominee is selected."
The headline is from within this KARE online item. If you've a spare three grand, you can go, or you can be steadfast for true CHANGE (per the new top sidebar item). If the Clintons see chances in Minnesota impacted by an intransigent home town biased failed "leader," we might see "CHANGE."
Sunday, June 14, 2015
It's not released yet, but there is an anticipation; somebody may need to send a copy to Tom Bakk.
This link. Not just for Bakk or so says the report:
That "grow in responsibility toward the common home" characterization of earth stewardship ought to reach Tom Bakk -- given how responsible that way he's been and how he's graciously allowed himself ample room for growth.
"This encyclical is aimed at everyone: Let us pray that everyone can receive its message and grow in responsibility toward the common home that God has given us," he [Pope Francis] said.
That "grow in responsibility toward the common home" characterization of earth stewardship ought to reach Tom Bakk -- given how responsible that way he's been and how he's graciously allowed himself ample room for growth.
Fast Track - Slow the hummer down to a crawl and then stomp it dead. Or not? What is it really about is a fine question because it's secret; the prols with their votes are excluced on a "need to know" framework. So, thought experiment time arises, with fewer than normal limits.
![]() |
Elon |
Start by watching this WIRED - YouTube video, and if interested further, the YouTube sidebar has follow up video of an equivalent, even cumulative nature. You can get the general drift. Tesla is automated manufacturing of an auto; with job density per unit output different from the 1970's auto plant assembly line producing inferior product per happiness and complacency between the likes of GM etc., and the UAW. Consumers got gas hogs designed little different from designs pre-WW II, but for the introduction of automatic transmissions.
NEXT: An email was forwarded to me that in part reports:
Fast Track Stalls (for the moment)—But Keep the Pressure On!
Friday afternoon the House voted for the Fast Track bill, or Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) (219-211); however, they voted against Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) legislation that is needed to advance Fast Track. That means we can still stop Fast Track early next week!
Thank you for your efforts that contributed toward stalling Fast Track—YOU really made a difference (and how often can we feel that our actions actually made an impact to our Congressional leaders?!) BUT WE MUST KEEP THE HEAT ON over the weekend and into next week! We need you to continue to contact your House representative as well as both of your Senators and urge them to reject Fast Track/TPA!
Here’s the situation: In order to pass Fast Track/TPA, the House must also approve the TAA because Senate passage back in May combined the TAA and TPA. The House will bring back this legislative package for a vote early next week, most likely on Tuesday. Alternatively, Fast Track can advance if the Senate opts to vote for the House version of the TAA.
Over the weekend there will be plenty of deal making and lobbying by the Obama Administration, huge corporations, and the GOP leadership to pass Fast Track. It’s critical that your voice be heard and that we do not let up the pressure to vote against Fast Track, a bill that essentially by-passes democratic legislative processes.
Please call your Representative and Senators now.
Fast track is a followup to earlier outsourcing what used to be good manufacturing jobs in this nation to low-pay nations in Asia. Costs to multinational firms and other producers were lowered that way, but the money stays overseas and stagnant wages here do not translate fully to greater consumer buying power benefit.
One interpretation, a possible scenario, focuses upon factory automation. Were automation to have been directly introduced here, as a policy, it might have been resisted as job-killing bad to even a monstrous unsettling thing.
Instead, surreptitiously ship the jobs, blame it on low wages abroad, and offer robotics as an answer to bringing manufacturing back to within the nation at prices competitive with cheap foreign labor.
The first part, what Ross Perot called "a giant sucking sound" as the jobs were lost has happened.
So, fast track is step 2? Think about it. Recall the opening video of Tesla's robotics manufacturing; with human labor, but with [in one of the two subsequent serial items] the factory spokesperson - head of manufacturing - mentioning being in Silicon Valley where quality universities abound. Factory grunts need not apply, nor those who ran up student debt in one of Col. Kline's bogus student loan mills. An educated work force would be the rule, as the Japanese, Koreans, Europeans and Chinese can provide. Specialized human tasking in support of the main "labor" force of robots is the rule at Tesla, and a forecast for a future. Rolls of specialized grades of Aluminum in, other materials in, finished electric cars out of a quality that one might crave ownership. A nice clean factory floor that even the Europeans working for Daimler of BMW might envy - at least their equivalent.
Bottom line: Cheap marginally skilled labor is not needed. Hand assembly of Nike shoes and apparel as well as iPhones will still involve specialized assembly by persons with small skilled hands and good vision, be they highly educated or merely trained to work 12-hour shifts at a single assembly point station knowing little else of the sum of manufacturing going on around them. That still will favor cheap labor markets.
However, shipping finished cars from Asia to here is less efficient than shipping bulk rolls of specialized aluminum and bulk-packaged tires and paint/coatings materials, embedded electronics circuit boards, etc. to a factory closer to the consumer market. Less efficient meaning to mega-corporations, more costly, with that as a corporate measure of efficiency/productivity of human labor. Balance sheet and income statement kinds of stuff.
So, automation gives the U.S. its "salvation" from the predatory labor practices overseas, where our workers cannot compete with near-or-actual slave labor conditions. And it will be welcomed, since the big hit on the unskilled (but still voting) factory labor here has already been imposed, via "rust belt" jobs disappearing and the politicians and corporate spokespersons saying "Cheap labor, it is a market phenomenon we cannot overcome."
Automation comes out smelling like a rose, instead of our seeing luddites throwing wrenches into the machinery in opposition to new ways. And TPP is a promise, not a threat, just as you can believe all the politicians are telling us because they know they are public servants, first and foremost, and not hubris-ridden individuals with sociopathic tendencies.
Well, there is Tom Bakk and there is Paul Ryan and Col. Kline, but ... yeah, we mean on average ...
Supporting links for such a thought experiment are; e.g., here, here, here, here, more Tesla here, here, and here [source of lead image]. Dan Burns has written of a military dimension, actual or hypothetical, regarding the Malacca Straits, here. See also, here. From that basis, introducing military/national security into the stew; here, here, here, here, here, here, and you can
google = Malacca straits TPP
google = self-driving automobiles
for more of what Burns has mentioned, as well as what possibly is civilian spin-off from the nation's unmanned mobile ground based military platforms.
While not saying such a hypothetical automation-centric sequence as noted above is actually at play, (after all it is a secret deal, every which way), does any reader doubt whether it might be?
A parting thought. It likely is possible to manufacture a self-driving, silent snow mobile, indeed the military likely has such a thing in its cold weather arsenal as well as a silent self-driving ATV capability, but do not look for things of that nature to be commercialized given how the Arctic Cat mind-set is set to meet expectations and wishes of the snow mobile and ATV buying public, having tastes as they are.
A separate YouTube video demonstrates Tesla has some routine human labor involvement, i.e., some less skilled manual labor jobs than others. Moreover, the video contrasts a European hand-crafted specialty car's construction; where technician skills are again above past U.S. auto assembly line skill levels. Custom hand-building is a more labor intensive process, and the video does not get into comparative pricing of the finished product of robotic vs. hand made. Being more detailed, this video is longer than the earlier cited WIRED - YouTube item.
So even a robo-centric state of the art factory yields good paying jobs, just fewer than the old ways. And robotics would have been as disruptive to a multiplicity of high paying jobs if directly implemented here a decade ago, but the politics of being able to imply without actually saying, "Blame the Chinese," fits wall street and capitalist corporatism sensibilities better than admitting, "Blame my greed, my insatiable bottom line wealth-and-profit hunger."
That last cited video demonstrates two ways "cheap labor" can be circumvented - robotics or custom production. Otherwise, as with Nike apparel, it is easy to package and ship the product, but labor intensive to fabricate, so that manufacturing of that kind likely will remain in Asia. Until labor prices converge, theirs growing while ours suffer wage inelasticities while the devaluation of the dollar is ongoing, thus trending things towards one another as to price of labor, here or there.
____________FURTHER UPDATE___________
A hat tip to the same person who forwarded the email item posted earlier; for sending this "not over yet" link which clarifies procedural nuances and possibilities re TPP - Fast Track in the near future.
Saturday, June 13, 2015
One win. One loss.
And the win is still uncertain. TPP, e.g., this link. Also, here.
Special session Daudt/BAKK/Dayton took everything on the table while the environment takes a hit.
Things happen. The sky hasn't fallen. The earth's daily axis spin is still spinning, no faster, no slower.
Thissen for Governor in 2016. Who else? Bakk? No way. So, who?
What's his name, the former Mpls mayor? Well --- Thissen would be my choice, if he again runs. Let us hope.
UPDATE: If I already posted this link, I apologize for repeating myself. If I did not already post it, I apologize for not doing it sooner. And the situation is so ripe one cannot easily avoid reempahsisis:
In the grass and not visible?
You want more? Here, saying:
[highlighting and image added, not in original]
FURTHER UPDATE: On reflecting about those posts being spot-on about Bakk, I get a feeling that the authors are willing to cut Dayton more slack than I do. He is the governor, and could have kept telling Bakk/Daudt no, and told Bakk to consider the message his caucus has for him. That mining business is going to have many DFL candidates in 2016 begging for contributions with donors saying, "Do something about Bakk first, I don't fund that kind of stuff and never will, nor do I care much for those that shrug and tolerate it."
The man really hurt the party and I see Dayton playing a plausible deniability game for his own image upkeep, while too attuned to what Daudt/Bakk did. As in, you do it, I will huff and puff, but will deliver and verbally arm twist the caucus in calling a special session; but the spending is all okay with me and with the constituencies I care about most. Least, that way, environmentalist sentiments; as in screw the future purity of Minnesota's nature in a trade for Bakk's stinking few hundred several few five-year-long Ranger jobs.
I do not give Dayton a passing grade on the mischief. That is harsh, perhaps, but he approved the numbers and did not halt the mining overreach. Nor did he critique the way it was done. If you don't fault and ambush, then it means you tacitly approve it.
Special session Daudt/BAKK/Dayton took everything on the table while the environment takes a hit.
Things happen. The sky hasn't fallen. The earth's daily axis spin is still spinning, no faster, no slower.
Thissen for Governor in 2016. Who else? Bakk? No way. So, who?
What's his name, the former Mpls mayor? Well --- Thissen would be my choice, if he again runs. Let us hope.
UPDATE: If I already posted this link, I apologize for repeating myself. If I did not already post it, I apologize for not doing it sooner. And the situation is so ripe one cannot easily avoid reempahsisis:
Bakk has not been very visible during these last days - probably because he would have to be continuously explaining why he gave tacit approval to the House GOP's agenda.
In the grass and not visible?
You want more? Here, saying:
Senator Bakk holds a position that can serve Democratic progress. If he had stood with the Governor during the session....if he had not circumvented his own caucus in making deals.....if he had not wasted political capital on an ambush of the Auditor's office...if he had not, in the dark of night, patched that sulfide waste amendment into the environment bill....maybe, just maybe, we could have accepted some of his dealings.
But he just went too far.
I appreciate rural issues. I grew up on a farm. I understand Greater MN's need for broadband. I understand how the MNSure rules actually benefited farmers unable to get insurance at group rates. I understand how the buffers that Gov. Dayton has requested need to have a lot of farmer input to be acceptable. I understand how rural hospitals and rural nursing homes are in need of more than the average state help. And I understand how roads and bridges and transit are just as important in rural areas as they are in the metro.
But I never saw very many of those rural needs addressed by the House GOP that pledged to do so....promised to do so.
[highlighting and image added, not in original]
FURTHER UPDATE: On reflecting about those posts being spot-on about Bakk, I get a feeling that the authors are willing to cut Dayton more slack than I do. He is the governor, and could have kept telling Bakk/Daudt no, and told Bakk to consider the message his caucus has for him. That mining business is going to have many DFL candidates in 2016 begging for contributions with donors saying, "Do something about Bakk first, I don't fund that kind of stuff and never will, nor do I care much for those that shrug and tolerate it."
The man really hurt the party and I see Dayton playing a plausible deniability game for his own image upkeep, while too attuned to what Daudt/Bakk did. As in, you do it, I will huff and puff, but will deliver and verbally arm twist the caucus in calling a special session; but the spending is all okay with me and with the constituencies I care about most. Least, that way, environmentalist sentiments; as in screw the future purity of Minnesota's nature in a trade for Bakk's stinking few hundred several few five-year-long Ranger jobs.
I do not give Dayton a passing grade on the mischief. That is harsh, perhaps, but he approved the numbers and did not halt the mining overreach. Nor did he critique the way it was done. If you don't fault and ambush, then it means you tacitly approve it.
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