Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Pay Pal Mafia's Wise Guy



 search = silicon valley pay pal mafia 

 With that link, read all about it. For context.

JD Vance is not the Don. Peter Thiel is. Vance is one of the Wise Guys. One who branched out so he could reach the Senate, which he was not going to do if staying in the San Francisco Bay area.

 Pay Pal Mafia Senior Wise Guys loved him, mentored him.

A late arrival Wise Guy, fresh out of Yale and a stint in a private sector 100% super elite law firm. (Utah Sen. Mike Lee (R) had a stint there. The Obamas have ties. Not at a struggling practice in some strip mall outlet doing DUI defense, evictions, and such, where a true non-Yale hillbilly might end up.) 

Hillbilly Pay Pal Mafia Wise Guy? From Yale. Go figure from there. He can talk Hillbilly Elegy, great. He wrote a book. He can talk, Project 2025, saying not me, not us. Talk is cheap. 

What is the real nature of a Silicon Valley Pay Pal Mafia Venture Capitalist, and should an entire nation's future be trusted to one? Trump thinks so. But Trump is a very wealthy pirate. Trump is a felon, tax cheat, grab 'em by the pussy. Roy Cohn, Fred Trump throwback. So discount Trump's view and form your own. 

Does Vance have a ton of proving to show? Of course.

Trump's choosing Vance gets him a MAGA cap. No more. Vance's start at campaigning Trump's way is unimpressive. If there's more in the tank, show it.

When this suit pulls his hillbilly - working guy advocate shtick, bashing elites to MAGA crowds - know that his background is as elite as they come.

Know who you are dealing with.