Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Is Donald Trump cutting off his nose to spite his face? Having an immature reaction to FOX is unlikely to make Rupert's family happy and cozy. He needs them. Too many voters he'd want are FOX minions to where riling FOX is counterproductive to him.

A screen capture, minutes old:

click the image to enlarge and read

 This is not a well-thought-out action. It is a passion of the moment which Trump may later regret. It is also childishly worded with regard to Conway and the Lincoln Project. A childish flailing. FOX has a bigger presence among his base than he can afford to alienate. Rephrased, FOX is the 800 pound gorilla where you don't yank its chain if you want it friendly. Unless, an unhinged moment . . .

Is it a meltdown sign? Uncontrollable narcissism edging out sound judgment?

What will Trump yield, wanting to edit FOX editorial judgment? Illwill? Pushback?