Thursday, July 04, 2024

Does Clyburn have a Sistene Chapel? Shall we wait for a puff of smoke?


It used to be the smoke-filled-room cliche. Now smoking is outside only, so, the Inner Lords of the Inner Party of the Democrats of the U.S. of A. shall assemble to name a new successor to the present Party Pope, Biden I. Something like that.

AP, Seattle Times carrying,

Clyburn’s discussion of a ‘mini-primary’ fuels more talk of whether Biden should end his campaign

NEW YORK (AP) — He is often credited as the man who delivered the Democratic nomination to Joe Biden with a pivotal endorsement four years ago.

That simplifies how Bernie and Liz each were done in by surrogates, until S.C. when Clyburn the Great spoke. But let it rest. Move on, as the Soros guy says. Bernie was only the popular choice, which doesn't matter, so - continuing opening paragraphs -

But on Wednesday, Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., sent a resounding message to the president and elected officials across the nation that it may be time to move on.

Trumpets blared.

Clyburn, a Biden campaign co-chair, outlined a process to replace Biden during an interview with CNN. Should Biden step aside, Clyburn said, he expects a “mini-primary” featuring Vice President Kamala Harris, governors and others in the run-up to the Democratic National Convention in August.

“You can actually fashion the process that’s already in place to make it a mini-primary and I would support that,” said Clyburn, who also spoke to Biden on Wednesday in a conversation his office refused to discuss.

The Lord of Lords has spoken and so shall it be. "Mini" means select few, and "primary" means you and everybody else is secondary, right?

Clyburn’s decision to spell out in detail how Biden might be replaced was viewed as a clarion call by some top donors, party insiders and even members of Biden’s campaign who increasingly believe that the 81-year-old president will be forced to step aside following a debate performance that shook the party’s confidence in his ability to defeat Republican former President Donald Trump in November.

The extraordinary remarks echoed throughout the private conversations of donors, Democratic National Committee members and even Biden’s campaign staff, according to multiple participants who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share sensitive discussions.

"increasingly believe" So that's how the shit gets done, eh? They stabbed Caesar. This is bloodless, but subject to mockery from the opposition leader, who mocks while unable to lead. Too mean-minded to lead. Too mediocre.

Great world. Glad to live in it.



Cooled down a bit. But this Clyburn setting a roadmap seems to say done deal, while Biden is still saying he is The Candidate.

Something may happen, but it can be dragged out so that Dems get all the press and Trump goes rally to rally. Who knows intentions and outcomes.

It galls, however, to see, yet again, Inner Party cramdown via a mini-whatever.

Clyburn is as Inner Party as they come, and none of the ugly ambitions will be aired publicly. Just a get together with an outcome. Then, GOTV.

But who are we, the people, to question Father knowing best. Shit.

FURTHER; Same story -

Clyburn’s comment came a day after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent shockwaves across the party by raising questions about Biden’s fitness to serve. “It’s a legitimate question to say, is this an episode or is this a condition?” Pelosi said on MSNBC.

Nancy. Inner Party?  - an episode or a condition she poses the comparison -

Speaking of conditions, might things develop to where Biden said he'd not pardon nor commute any sentence Hunter finds imposed; but as a condition of stepping aside, nobody's asked about that yet. Will it slide, as detail is subsumed by big News. 

Substitution would also put Jordan and Comer back to work as Reps, vs scandal mongering suggesters. Letter writers. Whistleblower whisperers. Will they find fun in real work? Tune in next week to find out. Next month. Whenever. Before the Dems convene, but other than that time is flexible. 

Can you imagine that pair, big fanfare, we have more to say about the tired old guy who left. Biden stays, they stay happier. Happy 4th.

FURTHER: Look backwards a bit. Biden demurs early. A public scrum. Biden says, "I want it. Four more of me is best to beat TRUMP." Primaries fall in line. Then Joe is "urged" out. Huffs a little. Doors close - substitution is issued, clean as a whistle. 

Scrum free selection. Neato. Keeno. No "Harris problem" public stuff. Resolved in other ways. However things shake out, expect Trump is wondering, who next? What next? Posting junk on Trump Social, nobody caring. Biden's straddle being the news. Stretched out over however many news cycles it can carry.


Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Guardian seems to want Biden out.

Two items published by Guardian today, here and Mehdi Hasan suggesting there would be sense to Biden to stand down in favor of VP Harris. Noting that, while saying he'd never been in the Harris cheerleading camp. 

Crabgrass thinks Biden should stay the candidate, but if forces are arranged against that, then what of Harris, yet one more career politician, taking over?

So binary comparisons, Harris vs Gavin California, Harris for certain.

Harris vs Gretchin Whitmer, not knowing who Whitmer is beyond the office she holds, a tossup, likely favoring Harris.

Harris vs Klobuchar, Harris for certain.

You look around, there are not many good choices.

Harris vs Maria Cantwell, Cantwell for certain, although nobody else is pushing Cantwell as a prospect. 

Harris vs Dean Phillips, who spoke up early, likely Harris, but Phillips would be okay.

Harris vs AOC - AOC in an eyeblink.

Harris vs the Crabgrass favorite, non-career politician, Al Franken, that choice has been made, it being a shameful thing Franken got Gillibranded out of office for what was really no good reason. Franken is smart. Capable. Able to earn a living without being locked forever in State or DC politics - a great calling card. Nobody else seems to see it that way, from online MSM.

Harris vs Elizabeth Warren - Warren, but she does not have a chance.

Harris comes out of things okay, when you do the binary options.

Who'd be her VP? That's a damned good question which needs answering before any Biden step-down is seriously at play.

And, again, Biden staying vs Harris replacing, Biden's best. And the thought here is Biden should have a clear hand to pick a successor, and not be constrained to Harris as the VP and hence clear successor. Harris was picked as a political move, and Biden should be honored with the controlling voice. To pick somebody he and his people in his administration are wholly comfortable with.

Biden or Harris vs Bernie. Bernie, obviously, but as with Warren, no chance.

In a Crabgrass ideal world, a new ticket, Franken and AOC for second spot. Ready for AOC to take over her two terms after two Franken terms. Cory Booker? That one would really need thinking. Harris over Booker seems the instinctive Crabgrass reflex reaction. But with thinking needed.

Joe is more cogent than he gets credit for, he has an intact administration that has delivered, and if his speech giving is like Bob Dylan's or Lou Reed's present singing voice, there is substance behind any deficiency.

Joe can win against Trump. Harris likely could. That part seems solid, despite consternation some have expressed. Trump is that bad, after all. When facing a blank ballot in a voting booth, anybody previously undecided would go with the non-Trump. It is sanity to do that, after all.

As an UPDATE, a Harris - AOC ticket would be fine with me. It would balance mainstream Dem with progressive, and four X chromosomes on a ticket might bother some, but it's fine with Crabgrass. A geo-balance too, as an ancillary benefit. I think they'd fit well together, and good government would result. Good government is what it is all about.

FURTHER: Harris vs Mayor Pete? Get serious. Harris of course. McKinsey can fend on its own, it does not need a foot in the door. Beyond where it already is. Transportation is pork barrel, big time so. South Bend my one time on the interstate around there was fine. I was treated well. But, . . .

Pro Publica has put online a full 21 min Biden interview from last September. The cogency and depth are clear, even while he is not a JFK grade of speaker. What matters in leading a country is not style it is substance.

 So, the obvious question, do you have any cause to believe Biden's alternative choice, Trump, is in any way substantial? Or is Trump a poster child of insubstantial hand waving obfuscation and misleading blather? If elected Trump will try, with his aides and related people, to implement Project 2025. 

That nefarious screed was written by corporate lobbyists who want a world easier for them and their clients, and less protective of the general population. "Drain the swamp" is easy to say, but it would be as easy to say what is intended behind that phrase, "disimpower the very beneficial constraints that regulatory administrative agencies doing their job put upon naked business exploitative possibilities in order to have a sounder economy which works better for average people." More words. Yes. Not as cute. But honesty sometimes needs more.

Having said that the item Pro Publica put on YouTube is online here.

Pro Publica's own complete web presentation is online here.

Throughout the item Biden never says anything about the specific threat to Democracy posed by the Heritage Foundation and its lobbyist roots and cares, put into many pages of things lobbyists would like to see happen, and bound up into a package called "Project 2025." 

It will not be that way, with Biden reelected, which is the explanation for these people with their agenda ready against us, for their embracing an asshole such as Donald J. Trump.

Wake up. Smell the coffee. Enjoy the coffee. Vote.

Vote, vote, vote, vote, vote. Not to say multiple times which is unlawful. But when the time comes, do your clear and pressing duty, vote however you think best to vote, but don't dodge the duty. Don't say, this or that is more important. Yes life has important personal things. But voting is no real burden and everybody knows that. Including those shirking the duty. Just. Do. It.

It is no burden. You are not too busy. Early voting is fully available. JUST DO IT.

Vote against the gigantic threat to ordinary people which Project 2025 glibly presents. Yes. Read as much of it as you can take. It is long. It is turgid. It is an exercise in deceptive wording. Propaganda always is. But bottom line, it is for the likes of Koch interests, smoothing their agenda's implementation, not for you.

Vote against it by voting for Joe Biden, who sees and speaks to threats to Democracy, which is what Project 2025 is.


It is wrong that the video so far has had so few views. It should have been viewed millions and millions of times. As frequently as a Taylor Swift video posted to YouTube. It has more substance, after all.

This link    


Running against Trump is running against the man, his style, his offensiveness.

Running against Trump AND against Project 2025 is all that and exposing Trump as not being the populist rebel he poses himself to be, but rather against Trump as the funded frontrunner for a big corporate takeover of government, posed as something populist because posing as a populist is what got Trump to where he is. 

And because those wanting to make corporate rule easier prefer to pursue that aim indirectly and sneaking around, because to say upfront what's going on would doom their agenda - - - that agenda being, full monty, Project 2025 - what it would do aside from how smoothly it is packaged and promoted. 

No sane regular person would want those paying for Heritage Foundation bullshit to have their way with us. 

Clearly so. Knowing that, they wrap things in ribbons and bows. And, why not if it works, wrap the entire anti-populace business in populism. 

Trump as vocal front man. Market and sell