Monday, July 22, 2024

Kamala Harris is okay. She's not AOC. She's not Cory Bush. But she's okay.

 Take trump out of it, he won't make four years in the event he squeezes out a MAGA based win. So, it is Harris or the San Francisco Venture Capitalist who moved back to Ohio to get into politics, calling himself a hillbilly from Yale.

Let it play out. Harris has been the candidate two days, right?

Surely a better candidate - more progressive - would have been nicer, but she is the VP with the P punting. 

She does not have to be super. Like that joke about the two guys and the charging bear, the one putting on running shoes, the other saying, "You can't outrun that bear," first guy saying, "I only have to outrun you." 

Harris only has to outrun the San Fran Thiel Venture Capitalist, which is a fair fight.

The Silicon Valley money can go far, but it cannot alone buy the White House.

Somebody besides an old fading felon - tax cheat will need to take Harris out.

They ain't got top ticket somebody better than who they've got, and it ain't enough.

Then, Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist? Why not stay there and get richer?

What's the ego trip? Hillbilly President, from what, central Ohio, road trip west to make a pile of money, then, "I be Senator. Bow." What else?

This is stream of consciousness, but Harris is a Democrat. That counts for a lot.

A saner, sounder party with better people and not Jim Jordan creep shows.

Harris is okay. Okay is enough, given it's Trump.


Making explicit what was implicit - okay is a starting analysis from what is known. Biden exceeded expectations during his presidency. It would be great if Harris started as okay, let's see, and proved better as Biden did.

There is no reason to think she would not excel. We don't know.

We know Trump. That's enough. Harris is better than a bar set so low, so we install her as boss of the White House next January, hoping her transition people show wisdom, and bless the luck of Trump losing. He does not need to lose by many votes. Just enough. More being better. It is similar to Harris starting as okay.

Okay means fine for the task, but show me. 

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________

"Existential" is a word that should not be used lightly. This next election will be "existential" is an outlook I doubt. It will allocate the spoils. Two political forces, each a party which means a like-minded collective, each wanting eminent power.

That is normal, not existential, one way or the other. 

As a skeptic toward both parties, I see infrastructure being improved now, more than earlier. I see unaffordable housing. I see student loan talked of, not fixed as an issue where the social good of educated people is worth society paying, not something where it's a ticket to something unopen if you have not been to college, a ticket where, as with every ticket, you buy to gain admittance. College used to be affordable. The late 60s, make it cost. Put them in debt. They will not talk up as much if facing possible collection efforts when they've not really gained materially from college, because they think wrong, they are "lazy" meaning unpliant to hazing via job "testing," how much compromise and being overworked can we make them take, how can we get compromise, things not needed but "real world" testing, it is called.

That said, If JD Vance wins, see how things go. If Harris wins, see how things go. The earth will still spin on its axis either way. Citizens will not be rounded up and put into death camps either way. Immigrants at a number of eleven million will not be mass deported without much attention to how that could really tank the economy.

Existential, it is not. Serious, it is. One aspect of Project 2025, Heritage stuff, is the solicitation of resumes, of people who'd do as told/expected anyway, for greatly enhanced spoils, by sacking institutional memory in favor of trying something which might fail greatly, in terms of best interest of the people, but infiltrating things with our people, our stuff.

We'll see. The inclination here, Harris is okay. If it's Vance instead, see it play out. The nation is not as fragile as Wiemar after the First World War. We are not on the brink of National Socialism - Christian Nationalism being closest to that, I will survive, we will survive.