Sunday, July 21, 2024

JD Vance writes well.

You can read that, and reflect on his convention speech, and wonder who is this man.

Being unsure of who Trump picked as a MAGA successor, younger, and now in line, we must see him as empowered to a longer life as a political power than Trump has.

I do not believe I am alone in thinking what to make of Vance now that he has passed Rubio and Cruz in a party I have no part in nor any affinity for. Seeing the Roman Church as Francis being the first Jesuit Pope, and the institution being better for that is easy, perhaps that is enough from the outside. But with much trepidation toward Leonard Leo and his hubris over Knight of Malta status, his Justices and Trump's deference, seeing that Francis trimmed the wings of the Knights of Malta, brought them closer to his own grace and insight was helpful. The Cardinals perhaps choosing a New World Pope sooner might have been better, but they have one now and it works. Francis has to hope to have the next day and the day after to continue his effort and insight fits with age touching everyone, some closer now than young JD Vance. I close this having been told Biden has made a decision I disfavor but saw coming. I close so that I may learn more of that development, being told he has conceded the candidacy, but not the present office too. I have seen it reported Vance has suggested Biden should abandon both, and who is he to presume?