Friday, July 19, 2019

Trump = "Send Her Back" So where's he going to want to send you? Me? We disagree with him as much as Rep. Omar. And have you noticed, he picks on and enjoys insulting women? There's sickness there. The "blood coming out of her whatever" president really is a true sicko that way.

Pompous. False. Offensive. Lying.

Video. Watch it to the end. Watch the smug staged pause for "drama" during the staged crowd "Send Her Back" BS bit. Standing pompously, after lying about who Ilhan Omar is, while the fact is she backs progressive policy to make the lives of most of us, the 99%, better.

And this anti-progress jerk tries to demonize her because of her birth nation and the hijab, (without directly saying, "She's not one of us," instead having the tacky GOP orchestrated crowd chant ready to unleash saying it for him).

Then lying, with VOX inventing in its headlining a quite appropriate term,

"Gaslighter in Chief."

ABC’s Jonathan Karl asked why he didn’t do something to try to stop the “send her back!” chants that were directed toward Somali refugee-turned-Rep. Ilhan Omar during his rally the night before in North Carolina. Trump defended himself by simply lying.

“Well, number one, I think I did. I started speaking very quickly,” Trump said. “I disagree with [the chants], by the way. But it was quite a chant, and I felt a little bit badly about it. But I will say — I did, and I started speaking very quickly. But it started up rather fast.”

Trump went on to try to draw a contrast between what he said and what his supporters chanted.

“I didn’t say that, they did,” Trump said, [...]

Guardian posts video of the astounding lying session, after the rally, at his desk lying blatantly with the previously linked rally video clearly showing the truth. The ignorance of Trump supporters is immense, and quite troublesome, Dove-tailing as it does with Trump's willingness to mislead and to disdain the marks he attracts. He misleads while belittling a Congress member with the progressive policy positions Omar treasures and wishes to see - making America fair again. Do you believe the man has one ounce of respect for the idiots he convened and channeled into that chant? None showed itself in that rally video. Talking down to clowns got him there, and he's not intending any growth or change, from rabble-rouser, to Presidential.

So let's do it in November 2020 -

Make America Fair Again. Dump Trump.

- hey, make the Senate blue again --- as blue as the House will be as progressive numbers rise --- and then see if the promised reform can be passed despite Blue Dog foot dragging from the problem part of the Democratic Party --- 

All I am saying, is give fairness a chance