Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Emmer, Stauber and Klobuchar - assisting and touting environmentally dangerous mining as an outcome in sensitive areas of Minnesota. Yes, two Repubicans, one Senator. link. For Klobuchar detail, this item (see p.2), which is linked from the item.

Politicians often are not long term thinkers. Some things are not worth sacrificing or endangering in order to whore for Iron Range votes over the next year or two. But politics is politics. Sad.

FURTHER: Does this knock your socks off? Not mine. Contributor stroking:

Protect federal employee labor rights. Senator Klobuchar will immediately rescind Executive Orders signed by President Trump that severely restrict federal workers’ rights, including the right to collectively bargain.

How about card-check? Why no mention either way on card-check? In any event, doing a word search for "labor," that's the first mention on the hundred days list, second, curiously:

Aggressively combat illegal Chinese steel dumping. Senator Klobuchar will ensure the federal government is aggressively combating illegal Chinese steel dumping including through expanded personnel to enforce our trade laws and increased inspections of steel imports at ports of entry. She will also direct the U.S. Department of Labor to expedite approval of Trade Adjustment Assistance petitions for workers from the affected mining operations.

At a guess Stauber and Emmer agree.

FURTHER: Doing a "trade" word search on the Klobuchar Hundred Days list, give the Senator credit for one resonate with the entire populace:

End Illegal Robocalls. Senator Klobuchar will coordinate efforts to crack down on illegal robocalls across the Federal Trade Commission, Federal Communications Commission, and Department of Justice and direct the Department of Justice to aggressively pursue robocall scammers while working with Congress to increase penalties for aggravated violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act.

But Amy - go the extra step. Penalize phone companies for robocalling and it will disappear. Phone company profit motives have, so far, blossomed and assisted expansive robocall activity throughout the nation. The scammers rely on buying specialized access they need in order to robocall you, so that if a pecuniary disincentive to phone companies is created, game over. Require service providers to affirmatively police the strangling of robocalling. Make the phone service providers who are presently happily selling access to you to robocallers liable for severe fines fitting the nuisance of their not diligently policing the robocall problem, and their bean counting departments will push their firms to straignten up and fly right.