Monday, July 08, 2019

Republican effort to bias the census to disenfranchise voters more likely favorable to the Democrats: "The U.S. Census Bureau's own experts have said a citizenship question would discourage immigrants from participating in the survey and result in a less accurate census that would redistribute money and political power away from Democratic-led cities where immigrants tend to cluster to whiter, rural areas where Republicans do well."

The headline is from Strib carrying an AP feed.

It is only a political purpose that motivates Republicans to try to pervert the accuracy of a census. Politics. Trump, on downward to every Republican official in the country, are hell-bent to disadvantage the Democrats. No surprise. Except the census should be exempt from scum-mongers wanting to shape it away from legitimate to something less.

Even John Roberts found it hard to take. That bad. Really.

But, John Roberts is a slick politician, dressed otherwise in a black robe symbol of transcending political ties in favor of justice. A false imagination of what the Supreme Court actually is and how it acts would be a needed mindset for cutting Roberts any slack.

"No slack for the hack," coming to mind as a slogan.

If any second bite at that apple is tolerated by the Court it only would be based on the things Republicans have elevated to that bench, Kavanaugh being most recent. Clarence Thomas there decades earlier (with Joe Biden's help), being the quintessential hack. Blame Missouri's John Danforth even more than Biden for that blot insulting the legacy of Thurgood Marshall.

That Roberts was a swing vote in ruling the census should not be perverted, via a 5-4 vote, is evidence of four insufferable thugs having reached high places. Effort by Trump's White House at monkeying around the census should have been handed back with a unanimous per curium "NO." Not by a 5-4 split.