Friday, July 05, 2019

Did you notice how in the first debate Harris chose? She did not go after Biden's record as harsh on crime, racially biased. No saying, "I was a public lawyer, and during my tenure I've seen the devestation, and intervened frequently against private prisons, mandatory sentencing, and too frequent over-charging of defendants who choose to go to trial instead of accepting a plea deal for a lesser included crime." Because she didn't, so the ice was too thin to skate there. The plan was to jump Biden on busing, where she'd no skeletons to rattle in her own closet. And she could interject her "... I was that little girl ,..." prattle.

Harris is running on her record. So why not goad Biden on the 1994 crime bill? Based, clearly, upon juxtaposing her differing more appealing litigation-administration-policy record. But does she want to project detail, that area, where such appeal arguably fails to exist? Does her campaign see her record on crime as a foundation to carry a candidacy?