As a former undergrad hockey player on a state university campus team, this Alpha author inspires two questions: Did she have her own college degree subsidized via a hockey scholarship; and second, how many hockey pucks to the helmet did the young woman receive, making her who she is?
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This Alpha writer declines to identify her university, but declares holding a Business Administration degree, meaning her major was at least not hockey, Yet business admin is a major with gut courses available to keep a qualifying grade point for staying on the hockey team. It generally is regarded as intellectually short of being a pre-med, an engineering student, or a math or hard sciences major. A business degree can be regarded as equivalent to one in poli-sci as a major, e.g., the degree held by Abigail Whelan. Business admin is a major where you get more John Scully than Steve Jobs coming through that pipeline.
UPDATE: More bio; the undergrad school from which the business degree ensued, and the major clarified -
[...Alyssa is] pursuing her MBA through the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire and is a former collegiate hockey player for the school. Alyssa spent most of her undergrad as a Pre-Law student with a major in Economics and minor in Political Science.
It would be informative to see a transcript, more to learn the courses she took than the grades she got. Any courses in social work? Something more inclined to broarden one's social empathy and policy awareness of care needs and networks; i.e., course work in things which by their nature would broaden one's compassions.
FURTHER: The author also has written in favor of "live and let live" social policy and against perceived political correctness pressure.
FURTHER: To emphasize something written earlier an encompassing term to include having an educated populace [workforce] is: public good. Having a policy which proactively advances having an educated U.S. workforce of voters is policy seeking a public good; indeed it is a public good to advance such a voting workforce, successful or not.
A policy such as this is clearly hampered by Draconian student loan policy and practice burdening some of the young who are here already, not having to be recruited elsewhere, and who personally benefit while our society benefits more broadly when young entrepreneurial spirits have a chance to and do succeed in launching prosperous novel business. Some under the heaviest of student loan burden are less likely to have needed entrepreneurial opportunity while their skill sets might be most fit for engagement in such personal and societal advancement.
FURTHER:; Re earlier mention of Abigail Whelan as similar in perspective to this Alpha author; first, re Whelan, Wikipedia notes:
In October, 2016 Whelan made a promotional video for Statesmen Academy which is a project of Family Policy Alliance (affiliated with Focus on the Family). "The organization’s mission is to advance biblical citizenship, train statesmen, promote policy and serve an effective alliance, all committed to a common vision."[11]
Some may remember Doug Wardlow's ties to James Dobson and Focus on the Family's empire of narrowness.
A link:
Ahlgren shows up
She is allied to the same junk religion stuff involving Dobson, Wardlow, and Whelan, an operation with Michele Bachmann in tow.
Ego tripping.
Pretty face. Ugly mind.
Crazyville, ya betcha.
FURTHER: One of the ego trip images; plus a Wikipedia link to a questionable operation.
These people are most dangerous because they are organized and chumps give them tons of money.