Link. Your trust is our badge of honor. Bet your life on it!
Yes, being ironic. That link is good, no pay wall nor subscription wall. Realizing readers might see a subscription wall with Strib, on a newer and different UH report, here is a quote of enough to give a fair-use flavor of reported outrageous crap - while if you want more, deal with Strib. It is their content and fair use is the rule.
In case the headline does not say enough, a bit of the report is quoted too:
[...] Andrew Witty, CEO of the Eden Prairie-based health care giant, [,,,] during a conference call with investors that he opened by acknowledging condolences many have offered since the fatal ambush of Brian Thompson, 50, of Maple Grove.
[...] Witty said Thompson worked on improvements to prior authorization rules that are part of a broader system for claims processing that can frustrate patients and health care providers, [... ! ]
The country’s system for health care offers the most advanced clinical care in the world, Witty said, [...] At the same time, industrywide fixes are needed for handling medical claims, he said, and the experience for consumers suffers from too much confusion and complexity.
Industrywide displacement by sane and far cheaper non-confusing and non-complex Medicare for All IS a different option which Witty apparently declined to mention. Talking to investors per a conference call. Next paragraph -
“America faces the same fundamental health care dynamic as the rest of the world: The resources available to pay for health care are limited, while demand for health care is unlimited,” he said.
So? Rationing done by sincere government experts not under a greedy profit-making motive can suffice better and cheaper than profit oriented goons for greed now deliver. Witty's perspective is limited. Next paragraph, says much
The commentary came as UnitedHealth Group released financial results showing the company beat estimates for fourth quarter earnings by posting a profit of $5.54 billion during the final three months of 2024.
End quote.
Dylan sang, You Don't Need A Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows. We had Weathermen, but the authorities stifled them.
Yet . . . here we are, decades later, Dylan now an old man, but worth 1000 Wittys.
More even.
Nobody ever said a UH top dog bean counter should hold a Nobel price.
Any straight shooter can tell you that.