This is the item at issue - can I even download it to publish, or must I link:
Well, Blogger says I cannot use its loading feature for that URL. I could use a screen capture to cut/paste it, but, no I will not do so. Click the link. AND -
That was part of DWT's fair use, in writing about Bezos re the image, showing the image in the course of dumping a load on him for his wholly owned WaPo killing the item and having its "author" resign over the kill.
A question of copyright law, not of morality or judgment.
My question, it was drawn while on WaPo's paycheck, so does the artist own it, or was there a contract assigning all rights to it from artist >> WaPo, as purchased content? The business of America is business. Willing buyer, willing[!?] seller.
And hell, for fair use, I will excerpt part of DWT's post, by quoting:
by Noah
So, here we go. Washington Post and anti-union amazon owner Jeff Bezos is censoring cartoons now. He could do so very much good with even a fraction of his money but instead he's gone and pulled the above cartoon from his paper because it showed the truth of him joining with some of his fellow members of the billionaire filth class in bowing down to his favorite Hitler wannabe. That's his prerogative, of course. He is what he is. He made his choice long ago. Sadly, we can't go back in time and have his parents' tubes tied. The creator of the cartoon, Ann Telnaes, has joined the growing list of WAPO people who have recently resigned and why shouldn't she. Her inspiration and creativity would now always be dampened at her former place of employment. That's WAPO's loss and, when she finds a new outlet, it will be our gain.
That is DWT's first paragraph in the Jan 7, 2015, item, second paragraph beginning:
This is the world we live in now; a world of new narcissistic, sociopathic robber barons who long so much to control all of our thoughts that they begin to lose their own sanity. I want to be fair. You know I always want to be fair, hence this post. In this case, I would hate for insane billionaire Elon Musk to get all the attention. Evidently, Jeff Bozos agrees. [...]
Related links, at least in my mind, here and here. Not spelling it out expressly, readers, find your own parallels, or don't.
Just - one instance, National Enquirer doing the kill. Other instance, WaPo.
Circumstances differ, in the margins, but downscale kill, upscale kill, it is a kill nonetheless. WaPo is now in ways equivalent to National Enquirer.
Trustworthiness in parallel. Not for what they publish, but for killing good stuff.
Or am I wrong?
DWT has published some very, very good recent stuff:
___________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Praise is good. Specificity better.
That last item, Bezos is part of the story, and Paul Ryan gets mention.
Full circle on Bezos, Ryan having earned mention.
And the first item. Truth can lead to new ways, while both an armadillo and a porcupine will curl up when feeling attacked. Expect a curl.