Saturday, June 29, 2024

People you've never heard of say Joe Biden should take a hike.

 First, people you've never heard of.

Second, advice to Biden he'd never asked for.

Big time invasion.

Newsweek posts a lame list. Vomit worthy? Several tried, and found wanting. You decide. Gavin Newsome over Biden? Newsome faced a formal removal effort; this current shooting at Biden as nominee is informal press ginning a theme for a day.

The Biden campaign holds the money raised so far, a worthy fact. It's Joe's haul.

Joe should ignore the noise.

Aside from Joe ignoring the noise, the scenario Crabgrass envisions, if Joe leaves, he should turn the coffers over to Minnesota's second best Senator ever (after Paul Wellstone as first), as his endorsed successor to run, that being Al Franken, who could clearly wipe the floor with Trump in any debate. And who is more a mensch than Trump, and any person Trump's family ever produced or touched by blood or marriage. Not driven by hate or retribution. (Indeed, to show party unity and reconciliation Al could indicate Gillibrand would be his U.N. Ambassador nominee, while saying his back only suffered a superficial flesh wound.) That's the Crabgrass scenario. End of story.

Bonus. Going against one easily seen as brighter and tighter than Trump, Al handled the role of explaining things well. Al, as President, would be welcomed as a move toward unity and progress.