Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Clarifying as necessary, that while not an inner party Dem. holding "our people are each beyond reproach" and being a realist about Joe Biden, my support of Biden 2024 is solid and unwavering, even posed in a lesser evil outlook.

Joe Biden is not Bernie. But he's in the White House and based on his record he deserves to continue there apart from the other option being a puke-worthy criminal insurrectionist. The positives -

Biden brought the economy back from Trump's handling of the pandemic, and in doing some pump priming there has been inflation, but not disastrously so.

Biden's appointments have been solid. Not necessarily progressive in any great measure, but solid. He has stood by those appointed, not changing things at whim as Trump did with firings anytime he felt like it. Biden is steady. Steadiness was lacking in a broad political sense the four years prior to Biden taking the White House. Other than Trump being steady in an all too undesirable way.

Biden finished the Afghanistan exit, which Trump, in fairness, did initiate. Biden did the job. Trump merely set the table.

Bernie clearly said it has to be Joe when faced with Trump as the alternative. Not overly embracing Biden as a progressive, but leaning there from center and reliable to not become an insufferable diva once in the White House.

Biden has had to straddle with Israel's conduct in Gaza. He has used what pressure he has toward lowering civilian loss of life among the Arab Gazans, while not reversing long set policy of favoring Israel, as right or wrong that can be argued, it is again, steady. Trump with Jarad, an incompetent Jewish favoritist put in charge of Middle East policy, made it hard for Biden to take over the Trump incited mess.

Biden has not been a bomb thrower, rather - again the word - a steady leader.

Biden is not half-insane and is not a danger to democracy. Not a criminal. Not a diva messing with porn actors for a fleeting, momentary bad-trip high. Instead, steady.

And, most important, Bernie trusts Biden, and in trust from Bernie, that matters.

It is astounding and hard to see and believe that anyone trusts Trump. Many regular people do, but why would a sentient citizen trust that blowhard grifter is still hard to believe, much less understand.

Trump said he had a healthcare plan and had none. Trump put in yet another tax cut for the wealthy, cynically timing it along with Paul Ryan for Christmas season.

Biden has given no breaks to the wealthy beyond generic pump priming spending - with bipartisan support - to come out well from the pandemic. He pushed Build Back Better progressive effort, but was thwarted by some in his own party. But he was on board, whether as a formality proposing something he thought best but saw as having no realistic chance, or as a true believer without qualification - that does not matter as much as from the White House he advanced the agenda in a good way.

Closing, the bottom line is Biden should be reelected. Again, it seems so obvious to Crabgrass that nobody in their right mind would back Trump, yet there's money behind Trump and too strong a Trump "mixed base" that a Trump win could happen, so that urging GOTV for Biden is absolutely necessary. Yes, the nation and the deep state are capable of surviving a second Trump term, but why-the-fuck put the people through any such avoidable disaster?

GOTV for Biden is the only way the nation does best over the next four years, with a choice limited to Biden or Trump, and with a progressive agenda being slim, but with Biden at least trying some reform in that direction, while also having to raise funding for a win. 

It is a straddle, but Biden is handling it well, while Trump is fragmenting from the fact he IS a criminal. Not that it's a morality awakening, but rather floundering around for a working tactic to try to disarm being told by twelve decent citizens that he's clearly a criminal with them going into jury duty without bias either way. And where each one of them was free to think otherwise which would have hung the jury, they, instead were unanimous on EVERY count. 

The dissembling going on right now via Trump and his Republican Party - it is his party beyond question now - sickens. 

UPDATE: Again, Biden has done a better job than I expected while voting for him, 2020. That is a core positive not listed above but posted previously. Also, as a progressive trying to be realistic, Biden with his years in DC government has been able to get things passed. Bernie's agenda commands Crabgrass agreement, but subject to the troublesome understanding that were it Bernie in the White House, not Biden, we might have seen less actual progress. More effort toward it certainly, but Biden has a sense of the achievable as well as perhaps the most desirable. 

Biden advanced Build Back Better while it was highly questionable whether Congress was ready for it.

That matters.