Sunday, May 12, 2024

Trump and the IRS appear to be in dispute about a tax matter. That is not news. That is status quo.

 The coverage is fairly widespread, if you do a search, but a number of readers likely have not seen the story, at this link, a NYTimes original, or covered by ProPublica.

Both items overlap, each saying miditem-

It is unclear how the audit battle has progressed since December 2022, when it was mentioned in the congressional report. Audits often drag on for years, [...]

In response to questions for this article, Trump’s son Eric, executive vice president of the Trump Organization, said: “This matter was settled years ago, only to be brought back to life once my father ran for office. We are confident in our position, which is supported by opinion letters from various tax experts, including the former general counsel of the IRS.”

An IRS spokesperson said federal law prohibited the agency from discussing private taxpayer information.

The outcome of Trump’s dispute could set a precedent for wealthy people seeking tax benefits from the laws governing partnerships. Those laws are notoriously complex, riddled with uncertainty and under constant assault by lawyers pushing boundaries for their clients. The IRS has inadvertently further invited aggressive positions by rarely auditing partnership tax returns.

Highlighting was used because of confusion over whether the animals in Animal House are equal. Two IRS employees have been all over TV discussing Hunter Biden's taxes yet are still collecting paychecks, not fired for it, not disciplined.

Calling them "whistleblowers" is a confusion, not an explanation of why Hunter's taxes are public fair game, Trump's are somehow different. Yes, Trump's wealth is greater, while Hunter was overcoming an addiction, yet - Hunter's tax situation is being handled by DOJ special prosecutors who filed criminal charges; Trump's, by discretion.

There is distress in seeing different strokes for different folks - Trump getting to skate the whole lake while Hunter is cabined, cribbed, confined into  a bad spot. 

Not that a reader has to explain it to me, rather she must explain it to herself. That, or declare unfairness the way of the nation, Trump getting "fairer" attention than Hunter Biden gets. Yes, Trump is being prosecuted. But for other things and he earned it. Eric Trump says, "We settled." Hunter would have settled under the terms of a settlement agreement the prosecutors had negotiated and signed, which appears to be how the IRS generally handles back taxes paid current with penalties included. They generally don't multi-count indict.

Instead, Hunter is indicted.

Thinking again, yeah, explain it to me

I don't fully comprehend what our nation is doing.

I mean, I comprehend it in the sense I read the stories and believe them. The comprehension discrepancy goes more to WHY, than to WHAT.