Sunday, May 12, 2024

Joe Biden is waffling about Israel. Making a token stand at this point, "Do Rafah cleanly," after what's been done, is unconvincing.

It is too little, too late, but the bottom line remains, it is Biden or Trump.

Given that, Biden needs to be reelected. And DC astounds, time and again.


A group of 26 House Democrats sent a letter to Biden on Friday saying they are “deeply concerned about the message the Administration is sending to Hamas and other Iranian-backed terrorist proxies by withholding weapons shipments to Israel." The letter does not specifically mention Biden’s interview with CNN this week where he first publicized his warning. 

The group of House Democrats, led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey, also requested a briefing from the White House to get more information on Biden’s decision, as well as how and when aid appropriated by Congress for Israel will be delivered.

Gottheimer was instrumental in killing Build Back Better, and is one of those "only difference is the sack" individuals who seem to be drawn to concentrate in DC.

These people make it harder for Biden to tardily do the right thing.

The belief here is that Biden is truly conflicted, and a prisoner to past policy dating back to Truman, 1948.

Being familiar with reporting of how displaced persons in encampments in Europe after the end of WW II fighting showed Jews being the last to find a way back to civilized living, they in Israel have still rough edges to their civilized lifestyle.

Some worse than others, some in Bibi's coalition government.

Another bottom line besides no matter what, reelect Biden, is if anything, tardy or not, marginal or not given death and destruction after October 7, anything nonetheless which could make Rafah actions less brutally ugly than otherwise is a humanitarian good result; and Biden now is doing the right thing beyond reasonable doubt.

Biden is a better human than Trump. A better President. And a better risk.

Suck it up and vote for Joe - that does not ring as either an endorsement or a winning slogan. It is however a compelling truth. It must be. Trump must be undone, and giving Biden four more years is a part of that necessity.

Do it. The nation needs better sense than conflicted emotion. Work it out.


To ensure opinions here are clear, the contention is that Biden during the past Israeli actions was either negligent, or intentionally complicit in a grotesque infliction of siege pain upon civilians bound since the Nakba to remain living confined tightly together within Gaza, with the reason for that starvation siege plus aerial bombardment imposition that they are Palestinians and hence to many Israelis second class humans (untermenschen?), and that to have treated them more decently would have resulted in more IDF loss of life, had a more care-taking ground campaign been started earlier. 

Hence an aerial campaign, with a later ground campaign - all things on the edge of Rafah now and at the crossing into Egypt, with over a million civilians concentrated there because Israel's past conduct of the war continuously told them to evacuate south or die.

It might be that Israel's government and military would prefer to bomb Rafah relentlessly now until no human there remains alive, the million number not being an impediment, but the world would repel in horror if they did that.

There is no urgency now, the rest of Gaza is being finalized, with everyone driven south except the dead.

So, the U.S. policy is now, allow the civilians safe shelter, stop starving them, segregate them from combatants, and then bomb the remaining combatants until no human among them remains alive. It seems that.

But, Israel sets its own course, with or without big fucking bombs given them by our nation, whereas if civilians are safely removed, we give them the bombs and watch the carnage, the aim not being to prevent carnage, but to limit it to Hamas personnel, who we have no national aim to protect from destruction.

And after Rafah - - -  guess.

Or that seems to be how things shape up.