Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Sorensen at Bluestem Prairie covers Minnesota Legislature's end of session, in helpful detail, with excerpting.

Crabgrass end of session coverage was cursory and judgmental. Sorensen took it more seriously. Amid coverage of South Dakota matters in parallel to Minnesota's, try this post and the following:


 That gets to Minnesota's end of session coverage. If you'd like, simply go to the site and learn something of South Dakota politics, Gov. Noem, etc.

Since Sorensen puts more time and effort into posting than Crabgrass, this matters:

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Readers can also websearch for coverage of end of session. Crabgrass did not really cover any detail, in posting of it.

An impression not explored previously within Crabgrass coverage, the Republicans stalled and postured Saturday, the DFL majority allowed it with Sunday open for actual legislative needs; the Republicans went into stall mode again Sunday, the DFL majority called Bullshit on it and got things done; and the Republicans whined like a kicked dog about the bullshit being cut off.

DFL got things done. GOP whined and postured. Again, par for the course.

But Sorensen and other reporting out there does detail what got done, what got postponed, and how-and-why decorum failed to prevail. The Republicans should be ashamed of themselves. Ashamed of their unprofessional behavior and subsequent whining over adults in the chambers.


One person's seeing whining is another person's aggrieve Howl. A Howl declining to say a thing about Republican obstructionism, as if it never happened. As in, saying all the Republicans were doing while work needing to be done was done, was aggrieved Howling. People having different perspectives of things is politically healthy, when not carried to outrageous extremes. What is "outrageous" can be a matter of dueling opinion. There is fairness to linking to Gary's opinion.