Monday, November 06, 2023

What would you think you'd find if you did a websearch for, "Culture Impact Team Resource Manual?"

 You'd find a conspiracy afoot which some might feel needs a McCarthy-Coen team to demonize it as aggressively as that team went after Marx. 

search = Culture Impact Team Resource Manual:

It is a conspiracy wanting to infiltrate and subvert secular America as dangerously as any anti-capitalism critique that McCarthy scum-sucked against. Some think otherwise.

Readers should have a look at this pdf item. And other returned links from that search.

The opening of this item created Crabgrass interest to do the web searching. Per that item, the focused-upon conspiracy touts having over five thousand functional separate cells in operation, the item noting:

FRC claims to have nearly 5,000 such groups. While there is no independent confirmation of that number, nor of how active the groups are, FRC has dedicated a number of national staff to develop and maintain this network.


In 2011, when the manual was released, FRC was reorganizing and refocusing their political base in the run-up to the 2012 election season and beyond, and CITs were the building blocks to make that possible.

Putin should wish he had such a network to monkey in US elections.

BOTTOM LINE: Read the item

Agree or disagree, know what it says. It is worth the time to read.