Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Silent Majority is old stuff. Sooooo - try out Exhausted Majority? Watch your step through that pasture.

 Gary Gross posts, with a link here. Rep. Omar in the crosshairs again.

Crabgrass hopes to see her get another term, her voice is necessary among the two party canyon of narrowness; but Crabgrass resides and votes Sixth District, where Emmer has a lock on the seat, and is poster child for why an Ilhan Omar is totally necessary.

You have no dialog when everybody is into minor variations of the same deep state speak. Kumbaya is a great song for a group-sing while sitting around a nighttime campfire, but for DC, hosting a diversity of outlooks is the only survival hope the nation has. Not more of the same.

Gary picks up on Sameuls' shtick, 

This time, Samuels "said he still plans to run on a public safety platform, but he also speaks of a 'crisis in leadership,' brought on by extremists on the far right and far left of American politics and of an 'exhausted majority' of American voters."

And, gee, Gary's linked echoing MinnPost item:

 As he did before, Samuels plans to run to the right of Omar, but he’s shifting his message a bit. Last time Samuels took on Omar, who has represented the 5th Congressional District since 2019, he attacked the progressive lawmaker as soft on crime and as a supporter of the “defund the police” movement that was provoked by the murder of George Floyd.

That tactic seemed to work, as he lost to Omar – a master at fending off challengers  – by fewer than 2,500 votes.

Samuels said he still plans to run on a public safety platform, but he also speaks of a “crisis in leadership,” brought on by extremists on the far right and far left of American politics and of an “exhausted majority” of American voters.

“Some people aren’t even watching the news,” Samuels told MinnPost.

Well, extremists right and left, per Samuels, leaves what?

The Silent Majority. Retread #2024. And you can be one not watching "the news" and still see retreading with clarity. Tired old local politician, vs clarion voice for betterment via populist-progressive change? What a choice.

Wish I were voting CD5.