Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sorensen at BluestemPrairie posts two noteworthy items.

LTE of the day: loons visit everywhere in Minnesota though not on finalist flags


PolyNot! news digest: OAH judge recommends denial of NewRange Copper Nickel mine permit



Sorensen's post on the LTE re state flag designs leads, then ends, with this:



Image: A loon and a star combine in submission F408 for Minnesota’s revised state flag. (Courtesy of the Minnesota Historical Society/ via St. Paul Pioneer Press, Here are some interesting and offbeat submissions for MN’s new flag and seal, by Molly Guthrey).This isn't the flag Jason recommends.

 Of course Crabgrass has an opinion.

That loon flag design is great. It is not trite, nor gutless.

As to the finalists "designs" chosen by the panel/commission/committee, whoever it was, I analogize the process to peristalsis, final product and all.