Thursday, December 05, 2019

Warren takes highly critical position against the electoral college. It is overtime for that anachronism to be eliminated, the problem being it is Constitutional, i.e., needing amendement to reform the damned thing.

ZeroHedge, Dec. 3:

Warren: I'll Be The "Last American President Elected By Electoral College"
by Tyler Durden

Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren tweeted a short clip of her speaking at a townhall event over the weekend, indicating that she would eliminate the Electoral College and allow the popular vote to choose the president in 2024, basically implying a massive overhaul of the US Consitution would be coming if she became president, [...]

Warren told dozens of people at an Iowa town hall event that she is ready to "get rid of" the Electoral College and replace it with a popular vote.

"I just think this is how a democracy should work," she told the townhall. "Call me old-fashioned, but I think the person who gets the most votes should win."

"Everyone's vote should count equally — in every election — no matter where they live.

But right now, presidential candidates don't even go to places like Mississippi, where I was last night, because it's a deep red state. They also don't go to deep blue states like California or Massachusetts because they're not presidential battlegrounds.

I believe presidential candidates should have to ask every American in every part of the country for their vote, not just a few random states that happen to be close," Warren's website said further.

The opinion Warren expressed is shared by many. In High School civics class it was puzzling to learn how the electoral college operated, the reaction being, "Why did they horse around with that to placate small states then existing? Now Wyominng's two electors, one for each senator, be identical to California's one for each of its senators; Wyoming is just a damned lesser state and should not be disproportionately represented." The point is that now with popular vote irrelevant highly red or highly blue states get little attention while the battleground state residents get five tons of bothersome nuisance political advertising. It will be Bloomberg this year not even campaigning, just buying advertisements and sitting home. That is not campaigning, instead it is attempting to buy an election via propaganda. It sucks.

So, how else can the silly electoral college set-up be dumped, given its gross unfairness? Give Warren credit along with any other candidate wanting to undo the electoral college, for seeking a more democratic way to operate.