Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Let us be careful that we fully understand what Craig and Phillips do not tell you in their cozy little MinnPost Op-Ed.

Item titled, "Game-changing H.R. 3 would stop prescription-drug price gouging - By Reps. Angie Craig and Dean Phillips | 08:49 am" [publishing date not specified].

Before being captured by the two getting arm cramps from patting themselves on the back, consider this and this.

There is the old saying that half a loaf is better than no bread at all; so why settle on crumbs when substantial progress could be made on a more visionary scale? At least there is a half-a-loaf vision well past the Pelosi thing in aim; i.e., a progressive view. neatly progressive and neatly already written in alternative language form. All it takes is a popular will to develop strongly enough to be felt; in as direct a way as needed to constrain room for equivocation as the issue progresses with time.

Ask this: What has Speaker Nancy Pelosi done for progress, lately? Well then, Steny Hoyer? Hand a progressive hat to Steny? Why? When? Take time to think all that out

This item suggests offering from the floor of progressive amendment to the Pelosi text will be permitted. It is unclear if much changes beyond that.