Friday, December 06, 2019

The Guardian carries an op-ed authored by Jill Stein.

Link. In part:

Confronting the real reasons for Clinton’s loss would open a much-needed conversation about why the Democratic establishment opposes progressive policies that are broadly popular - such as Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, free public higher education, and other programs to improve working people’s lives. They would have to reckon with the unpopularity of their disastrous foreign policy of global military domination. These discussions would threaten not only the mega-donors funding the Democratic party machine, but also the power of the Clinton-Obama neoliberals who made their careers serving those donors.

So instead the Clintonites blame their defeat on Russia and smear their opponents as “Russian assets”. This is classic McCarthyism, recalling a shameful period of paranoid hysteria and political repression.

Unlike Ms. Clinton, Stein will say such things because she's a sore loser.

Sure. One awaits the headline, "Clinton implies that throughout the 2016 campaign Putin acted largely as if a 'Russian Asset.'"

Once she runs out of other blame-names, it's coming.