Thursday, December 05, 2019

U.S. media are "on strike" on reporting French disaffection among the people, for France's government and how it operates. This is beyond the yellow vest protests, which coincidentally also were underreported stateside.

ZeroHedge, here and here, there is a general strike going on in France, a big time event, and no media here seems set to say boo about it. As if owners of U.S. media, a handful of concentrated corporate owner-operators making up the bulk of our media outlet ownership; with those big-buck owners not wanting any suggestion of "general strike" reaching our shores. Why might that be?

And yes, if you were to specifically search the web [france general strike] you would get hits, but just getting up with the local online daily and a morning coffee, what would you know about worker-citizen unrest in another highly developed nation wrestling with income inequality unfairness, as we do, but with that other nation having more attitude. Of course given how brutally and universally the militarized cops around the U.S. put down the Occupy movement, there is more at play than the mere media freeze-out of actual European news.

We appear to have more docile and/or deluded and misled citizens than Paris. Not good, except for the plutocrats who'd rather the notion of a general strike never be accorded any attention, in their world.

UPDATE: Guardian, here, here and here cover the French unrest with their government. In addition, this link. That is a British news outlet. One might guess U.S. outlets do not want our hoi polloi getting ideas, were they to have a sniff of what others do when faced abroad by an unresponsive government run by moneyed globalization-at-all-costs-under-interlocking-corporists-elites, (much like the kind we now suffer here).

Don't go riling up the livestock seems a U.S. press collective concern. Reaching from FOX to Bloomberg, there is little interest in reporting French unrest. Go figure.