Thursday, September 19, 2024

Wall Street on Parade.

The site - - looking askance at things financial. Two items, first, two days ago, this:

As Trump Launches a Crypto Firm, FBI Reports Crypto Fraud Has Exploded to $5.6 Billion; Representing Almost 50 Percent of All Financial Fraud

Among things, having this interesting chart:

 He's not polling 50% chasing the White House, but he gets 50% on this. (Not that he aimed for it.) Of interest, the item references back to the site's July, 2024, post -

Donald Trump Gives a Speech on Not Letting China Win the Crypto Race – Not Realizing China Banned Crypto Mining and Transactions Four Years Ago

That earlier item hints at why some may have been confused by Trump, days ago, when he was a crypto barker for the next new thing. His personal confusion levels showing through the too-long barking spiel.