Sunday, September 15, 2024

Tying threads together.

For REAL, online. No kidding. Really!

 There are "CryptoKitties," ( and now Donald Turmp and family will be launching cryptoHataians, (I speculate there), to be in an eternal cyber short-food-chain game, with cryptoHaitians catching and eating CryptoKitties. In a game even you can play.

The Donald Debate lore, Haitians in Springfield, OH, abducting and eating pets, together with his (sons') starting a crypto venture, makes cryptoHaitians a natural.

Look for it soon, online conceptually, as the Donald goes Crypto.

If you've doubted crypto as anything but a stupidity, know now it is true. Donald's doing it. (He has to because real banks blacklisted him back then when he did not pay back loans for his casino adventures.)

How about - CryptoCasinoKitties - you have to go to Atlantic City to play them, the Trump brand, the Trump way. (The hard way.) They never pay up, so Putin can have his blockchain way with them. Or a crypto-blockchain Putin at least can because Blockchain Donald will be creative.

You never know. 

For all we know, that whole thing could be financed by JD Vance venture capital. 

Talk of the circle being unbroken.This could be it.