Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tech news.

 Seattle Times, carrying an NYTimes item and a Bloomberg item.

Respectively, AI skepticism and belief together at Goldman, and Microsoft taking security seriously, i.e., spending and hiring.

Quoting would be little help, and the links are clear without a paywall/subscription wall.

UPDATE: Latest WallStreetOnParade:

Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Commerce announced it was proposing to ban certain technologies from China and Russia in U.S. automobiles. The U.S. Secretary of Commerce, Gina Raimondo, explained the thinking as follows:

“Cars today have cameras, microphones, GPS tracking, and other technologies connected to the internet. It doesn’t take much imagination to understand how a foreign adversary with access to this information could pose a serious risk to both our national security and the privacy of U.S. citizens. To address these national security concerns, the Commerce Department is taking targeted, proactive steps to keep PRC and Russian-manufactured technologies off American roads.”

According to the announcement, the proposed rule, which will be put out for public comment, would do the following:

“…prohibit the import and sale of vehicles with certain VCS or ADS hardware or software with a nexus to the PRC [People’s Republic of China] or Russia. The VCS is the set of systems that allow the vehicle to communicate externally, including telematics control units, Bluetooth, cellular, satellite, and Wi-Fi modules. The ADS includes the components that collectively allow a highly autonomous vehicle to operate without a driver behind the wheel.

“The rule would also prohibit manufacturers with a nexus to the PRC or Russia from selling connected vehicles that incorporate VCS hardware or software or ADS software in the United States, even if the vehicle was made in the United States.