Gary Gross writes of something Mellman got published on The Hill.
Mellman's current item is not worth a link. Here is who he is - with a link -
A week and a half later, Mellman, who has been Lapid’s strategic adviser for the past 10 years, was sitting in the Knesset VIP gallery and watching the proceedings, from Bennett’s inaugural speech to ministers taking their oaths of office.
Yesh Atid’s Yair Lapid, Yamina’s Naftali Bennett and Ra’am’s Mansour Abbas agree to form a coalition, to be joined by five other parties on June 2, 2021 (Courtesy of Ra’am)“I saw all of the heckling from the Haredim, and Likud,” he said of the hectic session during which the designated prime minister found it hard to speak without interruption from the opposition. “It was what we call a hillul Hashem (desecration of God’s name)… I thought it was a horrific display of disrespect to Bennett that was just uncalled for and unbelievable. I know the Knesset is a raucous place, but there’s a time and a place for everything, including good and decent behavior.”
The American consultant, who has been at Lapid’s side since the former journalist entered politics, claims to understand Israeli society from within. He makes frequent trips to the Jewish state and spends long hours on the phone and in video meetings with Lapid and Yesh Atid’s senior staff.
Know the bias, know the man. He helped establishment Dems undo Nina Turner via Shontel Brown, back then, and was proud of it. What he sees as best for Israel is de facto what he promotes as good for us. Bennett, better than Bibi and his ultra Greater Israel, River to the Sea cabinet, sure. No question. Beyond then know that Mellman is against progressives, because progressives have a broader outlook at Palestinians as human beings with grievances and rights. He uses money as a tool, money and words, but guess which carries more weight:
Enter Democratic Majority for Israel. Mellman and several strategists close to the Democratic Party launched the group last year. DMFI aims to curtail criticisms of Israel from the party’s left flank by targeting primary challenges against pro-Israel Democrats. The group’s political action committee, which formed in July, has only spent money in Iowa so far. The PAC “does plan to spend in other races in other places, on behalf of pro-Israel Democratic candidates for House and Senate,” Mellman said.
Anti-Bernie was, earlier, Mellman's calling card. When it mattered, poisoning the waters in Iowa back when Bernie was trying. If you like Bernie, would you like Mellman? Would you give a shit what Mellman writes, these days?
Well, is there something good that might be said about Mellman? Yes. This link.
He's not Bibi's booster. Whether he's a dedicated two-state advocate, or favoring settlements and ultimate annexation is something readers might wish to research.
Either way, he's an enemy of progress/progressives. And seems Israel-first, U.S. second, as best as Crabgrass can see.
At any rate Crabgrass sees Gary's post as citing Mellman, quoting half a sentence, but mostly posting his own opinions and a FOX blurb propagandizing against Joe Biden. Crabgrass sees Mellman not worth a half sentence quote about the U.S. economy. While it is good knowing he's not ensconced tightly in Bibi's back pocket.