The draft's gone because of those sacrifices, we must remember that.
I do not have a range of coverage, but this site documents things the "real news" outlets are not covering. Start with this link, and look at the earlier ones in the sequence. Here, here, here, here, here, here, here asking wide ranging questions, here.
This is a screenshot, without the links being active, but showing it's a must read for thinking readers - who luckily have had higher education in less stressing times.

It is the same cheat, as denying public funded healthcare. Go to that site, follow those links. It is part of ongoing education.
Minnesota and Wisconsin college students - how happy are you with the tuition levels being required of you? How do you suppose poor people, absent a scholarship, are supposed to get a college education? Is it that they are not, that it's an elitist thing for future GOP insiders? And don't worry about the need for an educated work force, big corporations can buy that cheaper in China, India, offshore almost anywhere. Wonders of the world-wide-web. Soon only the cops and janitors will not be outsourcable. Hence Robotic patrol cars and floor waxing may become reality.
And damn it all, educated people think. We have to consider that part of things. Gotta favor them as go rogue instead.

Does the phrase "unallotment" come to mind when reading of California troubles?
The Amy Goodman Nov. 18, 2009 interview with George Lakoff, as referenced at the end of the BradBlog item, is online; this link. The second Amy Goodman - Democracy Now - item mentioned at the end of the BradBlog item, from Nov. 20, is online; this link.
Happy reading. Be thankful the mess has explanations and can be fixed once we understand it and move forcefully to rectify things and not let politicians or special interests enforce their favorable status quo. It will take an educated and energized electorate, free from falling for following misdirected activities in blind-alley directions. Remember in whose interest misdirecting you is - it is not in your interest, understand that. We need more Woodie Guthries, fewer Glen Becks.
Trouble-making coddled and naive youth, these bellyaching students? Simple irresponsibility?
You judge, further evidence being: this link, this link, this link, this link expanding on the previous one. Irresponsibility is likely, but not on the part of the students or faculty. The politicians, the regents, the bean counters seem - "inept" is a generous word - but that's only my thinking. Read stuff. Explore those websites beyond the linked items, you might find even more convincing evidence one way or the other. Make up your own minds.
And this IS California, not us you say. Try parking some time in the public space in the ramp at the Anoka County Hall and Courts, in Anoka. See where the public goes. See how the public rates, relative to the "public servants." Not us, you say? Uh huh.
Strib, Monday Nov. 30, online, about student mental health, stress, suicide and with that as background the tuition explosion is what, other than stressful? This link.