Taylor Marsh, same theme, another interesting use of an image, this link.
Read for the content, (it's actually less than a thousand words for each image). Follow the links. It's cumulative but not tediously repetitive.
Then this, send Nancy Pelosi a message. Every reader is asked to do so. Click the image below, for illustrative purposes. It is from the Pelosi website, with a message. For you to send a message, go to this page, here, this link. Then, give Nancy Pelosi the message.

AGAIN FOR SLOW LEARNERS: Be certain to send it to the Pelosi web contact page, with the message "properly" filled in:
It is not as if she has not seen the message before, it is that she needs to see it now and on, and on, and on, and on --- until something, hopefully better, gets signed in the oval office. And as a bonus, each time you send the message, a follow-up thank you message appears in reply. Isn't web technology nice. Courteous, all that. Not needing Ms. Manners to remind Pelosi to always say thank you.
If enough people are on message and keep it up over time, who knows? It is not needed only once, but more than that. It grows with repetition. Keep sending the message, once or twice a week. It's not as if it takes much time, each time.
However, it might help a great deal when conference committee time arrives.
Things can percolate into even a semi-closed consciousness. As Speaker, Nancy Pelosi doubtlessly has a sharper than average consciousness, for things political.
So, make it not only percolate. Make it resonate.
That comes with familiarity. A "learning curve" phenomenon is our goal.
NOTE: The same message can be sent by Minnesotans to Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Sen. Al Franken.
Klobuchar, this link.
Franken, this link.
The ball's in their court next, so make your voice heard.
And it's not that they are impervious to the message, or opposed. Each knows and feels that allowing choice is correct and in line with American notions of personal "liberty and pursuit of happiness." While each knows what's right, only good things can result from attention. A little attention and love never hurts. It lets them know you know and respect their powers, you helped elect each of them, and you care.
NOTE ALSO: A comment about Stupak and his amendment being a force of oppression and darkness and evidencing a Dark Ages mentality, it might not hurt to add that.
Finally, it is not disrespectful of the Papacy or the Roman Church to disagree with it's telling others, including those outside of the Roman Church, how to live. Nor is it disrespectful to contest their desire to impose their will and beliefs on others. They can think and counsel what they wish, that's freedom of religion, and they should not try to legislate, since that's separation of church and state.
We treasure what is our legacy of wisdom from the founding of the nation.
For those in Minnesota's Sixth District, we know how the incumbent voted. So if we do not like it, we need to try to see what DFL candidates Tarryl Clark and Maureen Reed think of the Stupak Amendment. If we let them duck issues we only have ourselves to blame if "the wrong one" of the two moves on to the general election. Choice is important, and Bachmann is working her core constituency and can be expected to maximize her numbers of those like minded with her. The DFL wins with everyone else. Or loses if they field a candidate who stands for nothing or declines to reveal what her beliefs on the issues are.