Look at this next item, the clear unabashed child-like glee on the face. Never mind what the signs say, never mind the small turnout, this is me, me, me -- and a crowd.
I stand at the front of an attentive crowd. They love me. They love my act.
Life is so rewarding, if that's what you're after and you are Michele Bachmann, and in front of a crowd. Orderly, disorderly, that does not count. It is a crowd. Your crowd. You are important.
Who is this person? Like the lens grinder who fell into her machinery, making a spectacle of herself. Tacky or not does not matter. It is me. It is the event. I am the event.
Behind the facade, what makes this grandstander tick? Is it the paycheck and benefits? Or the high from being in the front of like minded angry people, being able to be divisive and to counter and belittle the work and goals of other hard-working folks wanting to make a better world, nation, and State for the citizens?
Michele if it is not needing a crowd but only wanting headlines, try this if you really want to feel the power and to get that adrenaline rush only some things can give you -- go to the BNSF tracks [now the Warren Buffett tracks], wait for the train, a big looming approaching high-speed train, stand there mid-track and yell "Stop, stop, I am Michele Bachmann, THE REAL ONE-AND-ONLY Michele Bachmann, listen and stop. Stop, stop, stop."
Please, it is a sincerely made suggestion so Michele, do not dismiss it too abruptly.
Give it a go. You can use that same raised right arm salute as at the rally. It's a good part of the act.
The adrenaline rush will be SPECIAL. The looming massive presence, the obedient screech of steel wheels on steel track as the brakes are applied, indeed to stop, as if commanded to, paying due attention and obeying.
Trust me. Do it, and you will be glad you did it. Have cameras and a sound truck around. It will get coverage. Trust me, it will. Do this - use the tracks right behind the Maureen Reed campaign headquarters, wait for the inaugural Northstar run, (you know already that will get press attention), just do it and upstage that upstart, Maureen Reed, right there by her campaign base camp.
It will play in the press.
Images downloaded from here and here; second item hat tip (and good coverage); here. Photo free coverage, here.