First, making it easy, a Google = "generic rally" gives this lead picture, and whether copyrighted or not the oil-and-gas guy is unlikely to sue and you have the fair-use defense if he does:
Isn't that a helpful item? The signs all turned the other way, so it could be any rally; nobody will notice the short sleeves inappropriate for cold fall weather if you don't make a point of mentioning it; so it's fit for any Michele Bachmann rally, and you've a picture for a start.
It looks like a disorderly crowd, and if you want an orderly crowd, I have a picture for that too, this link, but, sorry B&W is all the posting party offered, I could not find it in color:

Perhaps some might be unable to imagine Michele Bachmann at such an orderly group thing. Others might see it differently. And sorry again, but if you want an orderly presentation of the orderly rally pic, you will have to use photo editing software to get rid of the original image's leaning-right tilt (unless you see that also as somehow appropriate for a Michele Bachmann hoopla event).
Plenty images of Michele, that's a must or she'd be unhappy with your coverage, and for this there is help online from Avidor who deserves credit for his subdued understated but fairly comprehensive multi-image study of this political phenomenon from Minnesota's Sixth District, with this particular item showing a determined demeanor for her will toward gaining goals for which she has striven.

Next, if you want the easy step of using a quote from somebody else's post, already online and ready, here is the best I have found, with links from the original included and an almost irrestible "dueling flow charts" theme honed to be properly suitable coverage touching upon the antics of Michele Bachmann and her rag-tag band of GOP wannabe-important hucksters and performers:
Flow Chart Wars
Posted by Dominic Holden on Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 9:49 AM
Republicans had a flowchart—an inscrutable, unwieldy, color-coded expanse of cardboard—that they toted around to town hall meetings to reveal the supposedly terrible, no good health care plan hatched by Democrats. You can see it by clicking here. And a photo of someone carrying the chart (next to a "kill the bill not grandma" sign) is over here.
Not to be outdone in the department of difficult visual communications, liberals have created their own (equally inscrutable) though more graphically appealing flow chart on Who Is Paying to Kill Health Care Reform, which stems from America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), the health insurance lobby. Click on the image to enlarge it.
Courtesy of Campaign for America's Future, via HuffPo.
Stay tuned for a flow chart of who is making flow charts. In the meantime, the best flow chart ever made is right here.
Now with flowcharts like that, what do we need Michele Bachmann for? Each side can tell its own story, far, far less stridently. (Do you get the flow of my argument?)
A few wrap-up helping items. Here's a canned pic of a well-fed corpulent GOP stuffed shirt throwing bill pages toward the mob - to make a sombre low-key studied and cogent rhetorical point, I guess:

This source. But again, it is a generic pic of an impressive style and grace. No telltale red tie, signs are illegible, paper is paper after all, and the lapel pin, we cannot identify it as a GOP-issue tiny flag pin (made in China). Use the pic anytime you want to show sophisticated rhetoric.
Michele Bachmann leading a rally in her inimitable way, (and luckily Marcus Bachmann must have selected the dress, to avoid any un-GOP demonstration of a kind we'd really not want to see, from Bachmann).

Last, Michele Bachmann, observing a rally, to round out things Bachmann - back to her early still-young-enough-to-be-able-to-crouch beginnings.

Okay, blog people. I hope I have helped.
Michele Bachmann trying to look like Michael Jackson, but without a smile or anyone to hold an umbrella.