While omitting from his official resume his appointed time as an Anoka County official, a curious omission that this cycle likely will be corrected, voters should be interested in what he did then. Officially, he touted being Blaine's mayor, Jesse Ventura's appointee, and a former preacher. That's not mentioning the years between 1996 and 1999.
Being Blaine's mayor ended in 1996. Being appointed by Ventura - part of Tinklenberg's strong roots with his pack of IP cronies - was from 1999-2002 when he was, by appointment, the IP's head of MnDOT.
What Tinklenberg did when the door revolved from public office to private sector will always be a part of the man - who he's been, what he's been, what he did for his money.
And he's touted himself as being a "Blue Dog."

Gerald Ford was president, while having never been elected to any office beyond by the folks of Grand Rapids, Michigan and environs. He was a career politician, his entire life, never distinguishing himself in the private sector. He was a part of the more conservative part of his political party. He stayed loyal over time to the GOP and never messed in third party posturing or mischief.
And Ford was a bland and uninspiring individual - a backroom House member with years of seniority, but not an inspiring icon of anything. As a weak personality, he was not the kind of dynamic person you'd readily endorse with your hard-earned cash paid over as a campaign donation.
And when he ran for president - he lost.
With regard to Ford, however, the man did have the decency to only run and lose once.
There are similarities and differences.