John Dehen, Councilmember from Ward 3, has led the effort to keep Ramsey's ultradense housing, primarily in his ward, from beginning to look like a slum.
While we in the non-MUSA areas, in traditional Ramsey, do not need such policing because we are more laid back and have our large lots, when things get ultradense policing IS needed.
In that spirit, these photos, from Town Center Gardens off 147th. The why and how of that junk auto being left in a cul-de-sac driveway being unknown to me, whether a foreclosure protest or some other situation, it is there, in Ramsey, in plain view. Click an image to enlarge.
A link to this post will be sent to Ramsey's city administrator and police chief, for enforcement notice. Let's see how the ordinance stands up and is enforced. The photos were taken the morning of the day this post was blogged. I wonder why Ramsey's finest have not, on patrol, noticed this on their own.