SO WHO ARE WE REALLY DEALING WITH? Go figure. It is sometihing of a mystery, so far. Issues do matter, and what's her stance and how is it different from the IP persona she had as side-man to Peter Hutchinson; her "George Burns" to his "Gracie Allen?"
By comparison, Tink already has renamed and retooled his web persona for the 2010 run, and clearly was ready to announce formally within days of Reed's announcement -- this screenshot:

He's hit the ground running, but the "infrastructure" for that [recall that he's heavily into "infrastructure" as is his chum, Oberstar] was already largely in place.
Reed is, like Tinklenberg, one in MN 6 with an unavoidable IP background and standing, yet wanting shelter in and help from the DFL.
That's about all she's allowed out, thus far.
She has to quickly move to define her DFL bona fides, if any, or fall by the wayside.
Where is she on the choice issue? Try that query for openers. Is she Janet Robert's neighbor and cohort against choice; or straddling the same fence Tinklenberg's been on since the last run where he softened and fuzzed up a bit his formerly clear and resonant anti-choice committment and credentials? Is she a "Tink clone" that way? Is her purpose to be a real candidate, and begin raising cash like one while phoning likely caucus attendees to sound them out and test the waters? Or is she there as woman candidate, along with Tinklenberg as male candidate, to possibly discourage other women with differing stances on issues and differing backgrounds from declaring?
Basically, what has Reed to offer voters beyond a history working along with Hutchinson on arguably scuttling Mike Hatch's close bid to be our governor, vs The Pawlenty of the State of Minnesota, squeaking by on the narrow margin he held?
That's not much to offer DFL faithful, is it?
When Paul Thissen declared himself a candidate for Governor, he had an impressive professionally organized web-campaign in place, as noted here and here.
It showed he was serious.
About running.
About defining himself for who he was and is, up-front, quickly, and impressively.
Where is Ms. Reed? Why the apparent inaction?
Is she wanting time to distance herself from the second-on-the-IP-ticket from the positions ON THE ISSUES that Hutchinson ran on in 2006 - where he was well-defined, if not appealing to the more liberal of DFL people? Is that the game?
Is she still uncertain and floundering over how to "market" the product as genuine DFL: which has been one of the problems Tinklenberg has had - or is she searching for how to be all things to all people - while offending none?
Good luck, either way, but lady get off the dime.
Reed is an MD, hence she clearly is a brighter bulb than Bachmann, a borderline theocrat-lawyer, and Tinklenberg, a career politician-lobbyist-expreacher, but put on you hip waders if it's not going to get any better than this reported "Happy Days Are Here Again" [or will be soon because I am a can-do optimistic American promising to "work hard"] refrain:
“We are living through the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, with staggering numbers of people unemployed, health care out of the reach of many folks, and thousands of Minnesotans losing their businesses and homes,” said Dr. Reed. “While these problems are tough, I’m running for Congress because I know two things are true. First, Americans can solve tough problems. Second, a bright future is not accidental. We create a bright future when we put rhetoric aside, focus on the real problems, and work hard together. This is exactly what I’ve done all my life. The future I see is one of business expansion, job growth, home ownership and lower health care costs.”
Platitude trumps attitude? Content is bad - Keep the tank empty?

Not strongly vocal enough last time, so be the Howard Beale of this campaign cycle?
Go figure.
_______FURTHER UPDATE________
Bachmann has not been unmindful of developments, and has already moved to defuse the Howard Beale tactic, should it grow legs; this emailing:
from: News from Michele Bachmann
reply-to: newsletter@michelebachmann.com
to: 4crabgrass@gmail.com
date: Mon, Apr 27, 2009 at 3:04 PM
subject: How many vile attacks against me do you think $250,000 can buy?
Dear Friend:
It's called www.bachmannwatch.com.
It's the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee's (DCCC) latest attempt to discredit every word out of my mouth and to paint anyone who disagrees with the liberal agenda sweeping through Washington as an extremist.
If you get a chance, check it out. It's incredible how fast and loose they are willing to play with the truth. We thought we saw the height of their spin machine last October, but, really, it looks like this is just the beginning.
Now, it may just be a coincidence that my opponent from the 2008 election just made $250,000 in contributions to the DCCC - who knows? But, a quarter of a million will buy a lot more than one negative, mud-slinging, misinformed website. I need to be prepared for this being just the first hit of many.
Can you help me fight back?
I really could use your help to prove to the Democrats that it is not extremist to:
* Control Washington spending, putting taxpayers first.
* Protect the dominance of the American dollar.
* Demand that the Federal Reserve make its spending transparent to the taxpayers footing the bill.
* Treat dangerous terrorist detainees as dangerous terrorists.
* Defend the unborn from a culture of abortion-on-demand.
* Ensure that parents have the right to determine if their teenagers can access the morning-after pill.
* Call for Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano's resignation because she publishes are report that considers veterans a threat to security and labels pro-lifers, gunowners, and those who oppose amnesty for illegal immigration as "right-wing extremists."
Can you make a contribution to help me keep fighting for you?
Can you share this email with five of your friends and ask them to help me too?
The Democrats are gunning for me because I refuse to shrink from a fight. With your help, I can keep fighting for your freedom, for your pocketbook, and for all that the Constitution has secured for the American people for generations.
Thank you for your generous support and your prayers.
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann
It is piling deep and doing so early. You may need hip waders for the three of them. So hold onto your checkbook. Don't do anything foolish.
Don't pour kerosene on anyone's solicitation candle.