Aubrey Immelman on his continued "congressional candidate site," here.
Sibel Edmonds, the whistleblower who got no press attention or respect.
Aubrey Immelman, the congressional candidate who got no press attention or respect.

Is lack of respect attached to the message, not resonant enough with proper news and opinion, in the minds of those owning our free press?
Is it father-knows-best thinking, the best thing being telling us "what we should be told, what it's best for us to be told," never mind what we truly need to know? (What civilized, cultured and critically thinking adults might ask and want reported and analyzed.)

Decide things on your own.
Get into the thought process of doubting dogma.
Read both posts.
Look at the items each links.
Immelman biographical info, here.
Edmonds, take a pick, a three-for-a-dollar sale, here, here and here. She has just started the blog so it's no task to read it all. Her blogger profile is accessible from the blog.
Isn't that a great photo of Nicholson from the film? I bet his character, when not Marine Corps comandant at Guantanemo at one point carried the nuclear football for the Pres.