Check it all out here.
Four thousand yodeling idiots should not impact healthcare decisions for the nation. You understand why those two would have liked to have attracted a greater attendance for their dog-and-pony show. The problem is their base people only have a single rally in them, then they lose interest because of their short attention spans and inability to understand the issues beyond what they are told by FOX and Rush, and that only adds to their limitations and short attention spans and makes them less reliable for anything but being passively propagandized while comfortably sitting. Four thousand would turn out to watch paint dry. They show up, but only for NASCAR.
My bet: Even Joe the Plumber didn't show up; Norm Coleman "couldn't make it;" and The Big Sign was prepared for and paid for and held up in the background by claques hired by the health insurance industry.

That's my trifecta bet. Are there any takers for the other side of the bet on any of the three contentions?
Those two would lie about anything.
NOTE the one report has the yellow dress photo, from warmer days, but it does not represent it is a depiction from the recent ill-attended rally; it merely shows what Bachmann looks like, without saying or even implying it's on the Capitol steps - just the woman in front of a microphone with her mouth open; i.e., what Bachmann looks like.
For doubters of what Michele Bachmann looks like, and her lying about anything, see her disingenuous appearances where she's been more hindrance than help when the heavy lifting has to be done by others but with Bachmann elbowing in when praise is to be taken, here and here.
(Tarryl Clark pins the tail on the jackass. Two times out of two. Hold those feet to the fire and don't let a big lie die.)