Friday, August 09, 2024

Trump family crypto promotions?!/format/webp/quality/90/?
He told them he'd pardon Ross Ulbricht.


 image source

ZeroHedge, Aug 9, 2024.  To seek a second source -

search = Donald Trump Jr. Is Launching A Crypto-Platform To "Take On" The Banks

Readers can follow that link, or do separate searching. What turned up were crypto-specific links, it is common news there apparently, but mainstream has not posted.

Yet. MSM may catch on and think it newsworthy.

The old family patriarch, July 27,  spoke at the Crypto confab in Tennessee, now this.

The family that never stops.


More to the plan? Opportunity favoring opportunists? More perping by the perps? NO, that's only coincidence? The Republican 2024 Platform, which Trump and thralls wrote - buried mid-item:

What might give crypto top billing, above AI, and Outer Space National possibilities?

Personal planning? An eye toward family first politics, not as Vance poses it generically, but with specificity, Trump family first? He wouldn't do that, would he?

He's not a greed-head, is he? Yes, it just must be coincidence. With no thoughts of where money could be made into the hip pocket, just a generic belief that crypto is more important than the other two. Right? Of course.

There is a  non-suspect meaning to, "[...] ensure every American has the right to self-custody of their Digital Assets, and transact free from Government Surveillance and Control." It simply means crypto promotion, without the government intruding into anybody's crypto optimization plans and dreams. Nothing personal. Just, every American - close or distant. Future Economic Greatness in mind, just as it says.

With crypto being an Emerging Industry. As it says in black-and-white. Bigger in the scheme of things than AI or outer space. (The second and third place things worth specific party-wide Platform commitment.)

If there were even a bare scintilla of suspicion or concern to things, mainstream media, in its ever alert alertness, would be all over even the merest suggestion of personal motive to gain in authoring a party Platform. We can trust mainstream media. That way. Every way. Every time. The sentinels, the active alert minds employed in the national press. Assuring a free, informed nation. Bless the press.