Saturday, March 19, 2022

Unconscionable website scrubbing, a who-dun-it.

 Who? A DC functionary of arguably low repute. The scrubbing done after the fact of the fan loading up. 

Had the fan not got so hit, would there have been a scrub? It is a hypothetical, but how does your likely view of that question square with your regard for DC and those in it? DC is how it is, and DC could be different. It, it's people collectively, is as is wanted, by its people.


The linked item, late in the post, notes:

In May 2020, the 45th president appointed Thomas a member of the Library of Congress Trust Fund Board, according to Fox News.

That perk, try to find what it has cost taxpayers. It is not an easy search.

Money for nothing? Find online her duties vs. her compensation. Good luck, trying.