Saturday, March 26, 2022

Covid deaths in this nation,with possible underreporting, crossed the million person threshold.

 DWT, here, linking to a NYT item about a second booster being available for those aged 50 or over.

From the NYT -

Already, one in 75 Americans 65 or older has died of Covid, making up three-fourths of the nation’s deaths from the virus, according to the C.D.C.’s data. More than 33 million people in that age group, or more than two-thirds, have received a first booster and would be eligible for a second.

For some officials, the bottom-line question is this: How much must effectiveness against hospitalization drop before a second booster is justified?

As it was in the fall, when boosters were first rolled out, the broader scientific community is divided over what to do.

One in 75 is a major death toll. Of that, those concentrated in old folks homes have to be croaking at a higher rate. Perhaps warehousing old people as is now done is not that good an idea. At 77 years old, I am not there, and do not want to be.

If boosters are offered in a second round, I will be in line. No sane reason exists to not be. Antivaxers may suggest against it. The operative word is "sane."