This Court docket.

Filed April 21. Answer filed April 22.
TIMING, TIMING, TIMING: Of interest, the City Pages item notes earlier service, with the strangely timed delayed filing:
McLeod County MNGOP Chair Eric Harpel got in touch today to let us know he's sued his ex-girlfriend, Rep. Mary Franson, R-Alexandria, for defamation, illegally accessing his electronic communications, and breach of contract.
Harpel tells us Franson was served on December 7 of last year, "So it's not like she didn't know this was coming."
Wow. Served on Pearl Harbor day. I cannot get a song out of mind. James Brown. The Big Payback.
Also -- Old news, from Perhem. Brian Nelson? Who dat?
Poor Pauline, tied up on the rail tracks: