Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Guardian seems to want Biden out.

Two items published by Guardian today, here and Mehdi Hasan suggesting there would be sense to Biden to stand down in favor of VP Harris. Noting that, while saying he'd never been in the Harris cheerleading camp. 

Crabgrass thinks Biden should stay the candidate, but if forces are arranged against that, then what of Harris, yet one more career politician, taking over?

So binary comparisons, Harris vs Gavin California, Harris for certain.

Harris vs Gretchin Whitmer, not knowing who Whitmer is beyond the office she holds, a tossup, likely favoring Harris.

Harris vs Klobuchar, Harris for certain.

You look around, there are not many good choices.

Harris vs Maria Cantwell, Cantwell for certain, although nobody else is pushing Cantwell as a prospect. 

Harris vs Dean Phillips, who spoke up early, likely Harris, but Phillips would be okay.

Harris vs AOC - AOC in an eyeblink.

Harris vs the Crabgrass favorite, non-career politician, Al Franken, that choice has been made, it being a shameful thing Franken got Gillibranded out of office for what was really no good reason. Franken is smart. Capable. Able to earn a living without being locked forever in State or DC politics - a great calling card. Nobody else seems to see it that way, from online MSM.

Harris vs Elizabeth Warren - Warren, but she does not have a chance.

Harris comes out of things okay, when you do the binary options.

Who'd be her VP? That's a damned good question which needs answering before any Biden step-down is seriously at play.

And, again, Biden staying vs Harris replacing, Biden's best. And the thought here is Biden should have a clear hand to pick a successor, and not be constrained to Harris as the VP and hence clear successor. Harris was picked as a political move, and Biden should be honored with the controlling voice. To pick somebody he and his people in his administration are wholly comfortable with.

Biden or Harris vs Bernie. Bernie, obviously, but as with Warren, no chance.

In a Crabgrass ideal world, a new ticket, Franken and AOC for second spot. Ready for AOC to take over her two terms after two Franken terms. Cory Booker? That one would really need thinking. Harris over Booker seems the instinctive Crabgrass reflex reaction. But with thinking needed.

Joe is more cogent than he gets credit for, he has an intact administration that has delivered, and if his speech giving is like Bob Dylan's or Lou Reed's present singing voice, there is substance behind any deficiency.

Joe can win against Trump. Harris likely could. That part seems solid, despite consternation some have expressed. Trump is that bad, after all. When facing a blank ballot in a voting booth, anybody previously undecided would go with the non-Trump. It is sanity to do that, after all.

As an UPDATE, a Harris - AOC ticket would be fine with me. It would balance mainstream Dem with progressive, and four X chromosomes on a ticket might bother some, but it's fine with Crabgrass. A geo-balance too, as an ancillary benefit. I think they'd fit well together, and good government would result. Good government is what it is all about.

FURTHER: Harris vs Mayor Pete? Get serious. Harris of course. McKinsey can fend on its own, it does not need a foot in the door. Beyond where it already is. Transportation is pork barrel, big time so. South Bend my one time on the interstate around there was fine. I was treated well. But, . . .