Thursday, June 13, 2024

House Republicans' pissing contest is getting out of hand and should be firmly squelched.

The sooner the squelch, the better.

Remember - We pay them for their wretched excesses.


Detail - 

Citing original (originating) sources:

Worse – The last item links to the letter –

That letter was sent jointly to AG Garland AND (limited) Special Counsel Weiss. 

While there is zero likelihood of it happening, in my ideal world Garland's response would be:

This chickenshit is insufferable. Rope's been paid out and you've hung yourselves.

I run my department and find no merit in your accusations, hence I shall waste no resources upon your referrals. That is within my discretion.

Furthermore, I shall recommend to the President that he issue an immediate pardon to both of these gentlemen you besmirch, in order to disarm your mischief.

Your Constitutional remedy is to impeach me if you choose, and if the President follows my recommendation you can impeach him too.

Go for it. You don't have the votes in the Senate and you damned well know that.

Also, you can bleat and keen to the press. You're good at that. Experienced.

Again, DC is NOT my ideal world, and there will likely instead be dancing displays as with competing male birds with one receptive hen present. It sucks, but it is DC.

(image source)


If you link over to read that, pay particular attention to the Raskin quote.