Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Calling bullshit when it would be not merely negligent but reckless not to do so. (Bullshit from a Trump campaign spokesperson).

Where bullshit is a norm -

WaPo posts an item which includes:

The contrast on Capitol Hill will be reflected on the campaign trail as Trump decries the verdict, which his campaign and supporters say is a fundraising boom and has further motivated his base.

  • “As President Trump has said, Republicans need to be tough and fight back hard,” Karoline Leavitt, a Trump campaign spokeswoman, said in a statement. “This is more than about President Trump — it’s about the Democrats’ willingness to persecute anyone who speaks out against them and challenges the system.”

The Manhattan DA, a Democrat, prosecuted (not "persecuted") a crime, one that admittedly "challenges the system" of the rule of law. Do the crime, face the trial.

So let's look at a truth - prosecution of crime. Ms. Leavitt wrongly conjoined "anyone who speaks out against them," by "and" with challenges via crime against rule of law.

There is Leavitt, herself, and the sitting majority of the House, and tired old Alan Dershowitz not being prosecuted for beating on the Trump drum. Speaking out aganist Dems.

These folks are neither persecuted nor prosecuted. They are merely called false prophets by Dems, for distorting truth that Donald J. Trump, who IS a criminal, (34 counts worth); drumbeating as best they can beat the Trump drum while in thrall, as a party, to Donald J. Trump. Fair game. No sin. They act, the actions are critiqued. Free speech in sunlight, shining, but no crime to each side speaking its points.

Now, back to truth, prosecution - say by the U.S. DoJ, where Ms. Leavitt can choke herself trying to continue her lie in light of two items, prosecution of two federal politicians charged with challenging the system by taking bribe money and breaching law while acting as a foreign agents.

DoJ posting: Prosecution of Henry Cueller (D. Rep. Texas) and spouse.

DoJ posting: Prosecution of Robert Menendez (D. Senator, NJ) and spouse and others.

The focus in all three instances, the NY verdict, and the pending Dem politicians facing trial - for of all things, crime. Do the crime, face the jury.

Trump faced the jury. They found him, in effect, to be a guilty dirtbag.

Which he is.

And challenging the system by committing crime is NOT A PARTISAN THING. 

That is why the U.S. DoJ in a Biden Democratic administration is prosecuting Dems as well as fat Donald facing local charges. Breach of law, proven in Trump's case, innocent unless proven guilty in the instance of the two Dems.

It insults the national goal of justice being blind to partisanship, (which might not have been a personal goal of Bill Barr while AG. Rudy moved freely then. Rudy is charged now by Georgia's AG for crimes he allegedly committed in a RICO scheme with others.) 

Joe Biden is not interfering in any way with a soon to be started federal trial against his remaining son. There is fairness. There is restraint in the face of compelling personal grief over losing one son and seeing another tried. 

AND - There is Trump spokesperson bullshit. Of the worse kind you can push. Obvious bullshit. No-class bullshit. D- or F graded bullshit. Not even worth C-.

End of story. 

- the original post has been edited for clarity but not substantively changed -